(ANNOYING VIDEO) Three minors from Pirot bloody beat a fellow citizen in the middle of the street, security cameras recorded the beating


Three minors were arrested in Pirot on suspicion of physically assaulting a 23-year-old man, hitting him on the head and body with their hands and feet, and brutal beatings were recorded on security camera footage.

The video shows a group of young people attacking a young man in the middle of the street, and according to what “Telegraf.rs” of the Pirot Police Department learned, the three were arrested after the event that occurred on September 15.

– Members of the Ministry of the Interior in Pirot, on September 15 this year, immediately after the report that three unknown young men beat a person on Kraljevića Marka street, went to the scene and found ambulance doctors with a twenty-three-year-old man who had visible wounds. That same night, the police identified and found three minors, two 17-year-olds and one 16-year-old from the Pirot area, suspected of physically assaulting a 23-year-old after a brief verbal discussion, hitting him on the head and body. with hands and feet. On that occasion, a twenty-three-year-old man suffered serious bodily injuries, which were declared by the doctors of the General Hospital – reported the Pirot Police.

Police, illustrationPhoto: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

Police, illustration

They also pointed out that the Police reported the incident to the Pirot Superior Prosecutor, by whose order the three minors were arrested and taken to the Public Prosecutor’s Office with a report on the police detention on suspicion of having committed the crime of serious bodily injury in complicity .

– The judge of the Pirot Superior Court ordered that the minors remain in detention for up to 30 days – they added.

According to unofficial information, the beaten young man was not in a coma, as was speculated in previous days in this city, where the brutal violence took place.

This beating occurred a few days after the video of the brutal beating of a 28-year-old man in Novi Sad, who had both unconscious forearms broken, was released to the public.

They threw him unconscious

The gruesome video of the fight in which the main culprits were minors from the beginning did not intuit the evil, at least through the eyes of the surveillance cameras of the neighboring houses.

First, the beaten young man and a group of young men greet each other, so that the seriously injured 23-year-old is first knocked to the ground with a single blow and then kicked. At one point, his emaciated body was lifted from the asphalt and then thrown to the ground again.

At the end of the video, he was lying motionless, surrounded by several people.
