Anniversary of the crime on the Koran Bridge, SNV abandoned the commemoration


Croatian special police officer Mihajlo Hrastov, who served his sentence, was convicted of the crime on the bridge of the Koran.

According to the 1992 indictment of the Croatian judiciary, since the crime was prosecuted, the victims were killed with an automatic rifle and two other captured JNA reservists were injured on the bridge.

According to the Veritas Information and Documentation Center, members of the Croatian Ministry of the Interior and the Croatian National Guard stopped two military trucks in front of the bridge, transporting active and reserve JNA members from one barracks to another. After negotiations and promises from the Croatian side that they would be released, they laid down their arms.

Immediately after the surrender, a group of prisoners, mostly active members of the JNA, were taken to the police, and the other 17 Serbian soldiers, mostly reservists from the town of Krnjak in Korduna, were escorted on foot through from the bridge.

When they stepped onto the Koran bridge, uniformed people with ghosts on their heads killed 13 of them, including several in a prone position, and most of them with automatic weapon fire in a standing position, Veritas said.

Of the four survivors, three, including one seriously injured, were rescued by jumping off a bridge.

The then Karlovac District Prosecutor’s Office filed an accusation in May 1992 against Mihajlo Hrastov, a member of a special police unit of the Karlovac Police Department, for a crime against humanity and under international law: murder and unlawful wounding of an enemy .

According to the Croatian Judiciary, Hrastov, who was tried on several occasions, after being tasked with guarding and escorting a group of soldiers who handed over their weapons to the police with his group on the bridge, shot them. The Karlovac Prosecutor’s Office believes that it was the liquidation of prisoners of war, for which a penalty of at least ten years in prison is prescribed.

Hrastov was first detained for six months in 1992 and again from May 2009 to the end of 2010. After three acquittals, he was sentenced to seven years by Supreme Court decision and was released in Lepoglava at the end of December 2010.

The Croatian Constitutional Court returned Koranski most’s case to the Supreme Court for a new decision before the modified court. In early September 2012, the Supreme Court found Hrastov guilty of “illegally killing and wounding the enemy” and sentenced him to four years in prison, and he is now a fugitive.

According to Veritas, before the Municipal Court of Karlovac, which is also competent for the municipality of Krnjak, where they were killed and injured, a lawsuit is being carried out on the lawsuit of the survivors and relatives of those liquidated, against the state of Croatia for damages.

SNV resigned from the commemoration on the Koran Bridge

Due to opposition from Croatian war veterans, the Serbian National Council (SNV) abandoned today’s commemoration at the Koran bridge near Karlovac, where Serbian reservists were killed on September 21, 1991.

SNV is on Facebook He said it is not possible to mark the crime at the place where it was committed this year and said he would pay tribute to the 13 dead reservists, rather than on the bridge, at the Karlovac Orthodox Church and at the Parunovac and Chatrnja cemeteries.

At the same time, he condemned the war bombing of Karlovac, the incitement and incitement to war and mobilization, as well as “irresponsible policies that, in parallel with the war preparations, agreed to the division of social property.”

Published in Facebook it also condemns the demonization of those who refused to take up arms, as well as the “inhumane executions of prisoners with bare hands.”

“The nationalist politics, which managed the lives of the mobilized reservists and led them to the bridge over the Korana on that fateful day, was very damaging and disastrous for both Croats and Serbs in Kordun and elsewhere,” says SNV .

SNV points out that the commemoration of these victims “is not a process of glorification of the war policy,” but “an antiwar act of condemning the policies that incite war, which ultimately led to suffering not only for civilians in all sides, but also the recruits who led to the outbreak of war. ” live in peace with their neighbors by building homes and good relationships for themselves and their families. “

It also claims that the war began for a large part of Kordunaš and Kordunašica on August 4, 1991, when three Karlovac policemen, Mile Butina, Joža Milčić and Zlatko Škrlac, were killed in an ambush while passing through Budačka Rijeka on patrol.

He also recalls that on September 21, 1991, 25 members of the JNA were transported in two military vehicles from the Mekušje barracks to the Centar barracks in Karlovac, but the Croatian police also detained them at the Koran bridge and killed 17 of the members of the reserve captured on the spot. 13 of them.

These days, Croatian war veterans opposed the commemoration on the Koran Bridge because, as they claim, the place is a symbol of “the aggression of the Serbian rebels and the politics of Greater Serbia,” reports Hina.

Vice-prefect Martina Furdek Hajdin, as well as the mayor of Karlovac, Damir Mandić, also oppose the commemoration.
