Angry and frustrated German doctors protest nude photos PHOTO


Not only were they angry at the lack of protective gear. The initiative, which brings together general practitioners, believes that those in the pandemic crisis have been unable to participate in decision-making. They were then removed in front of the lenses.

Source: DW

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In early March in Germany, at the start of a pandemic crisis, it was decided that patients with mild respiratory tract infections would no longer have to go to their chosen GP to get sick. A phone conversation is sufficient.

The goal was to knock down surgeries and prevent the spread of infection. These measures are scheduled to be abolished in mid-April, said Dr. Doja Vela.

“One Friday afternoon, we were informed that their old rules had been in effect since Monday. This angered us greatly. Who are the people with mild symptoms of a respiratory tract infection? These are probably coronavirus-infected patients,” says Hanes. Blankenfeld, who has an office in Munich.

Not only do they endanger chronic patients who attend surgeries. Doctors are also frustrated by the lack of protective equipment during a coronary pandemic.

“Troimo learned protective gear to examine patients with mild symptoms who didn’t even have to go to the doctor,” says Blankenfeld.

Naked doubts ”

Blankenfeld belongs to a group of general practitioners who have connected with the Germans. They wanted to express their discontent: “It was clear to us if we had just published a letter of protest that there would not be a great echo.”

An example was French doctor Allen Colombie, who posed nude for a photo in his office and condemned the lack of protective equipment.

The Naked Doubts initiative was based on this. Doctors take pictures of themselves in or in front of their offices. In fact, almost naked. The intimate parts of the body are not visible. The initiative’s website refers to the lack of protective equipment:

“When we are gone and we have this little thing, we will look like this”: the doctors add that they are unprotected, they are vulnerable.

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Ingenuity doctors

In the photos, the doctors are humorous. The drill bit is used as an outstretched arm to carry the patient from a safe distance for a swab. The transparent kiobran is a shield through which a doctor examines the patient’s throat. The doctor uses his hair instead of a mask.

Munich doctor Hanes Blankenfeld understands the reasons for the delay in the distribution of protective equipment. After all, the entire world currently has the same needs. But it is not understood that the lack of protective equipment has been known for weeks, and yet the situation worsens it.

However, the “Joint Federal Committee” as the largest autonomous German health body has extended the rule that sick patients be seen by telephone. And that retroactively.

The Naked Doubts initiative not only rebelled against the repeal, but there were protests from medical associations and politicians from different parties. But the extension is only valid until May 18.

It is not planning with a vision of the future “

The initiative of the GP is not satisfied with this. It requires physicians with patients with mild symptoms to prescribe sick leave over the phone until the end of the pandemic. “In a pandemic situation, every two weeks, making an extension decision does not seem like sensible, forward-looking planning at all,” says Blankenfeld.

Health insurance institutes are on the doctor’s side. The president of one of the largest establishments of this type, DAK, Andreas trom, demands in his announcement that the rule be in force at the end of June.

According to a survey carried out by the Forsa Public Opinion Research Institute for DAK, it has emerged that employees are responsibly following the new rules. Only a tenth of respondents who requested sick leave over the phone would not have done so if they had to go to the doctor.

Employers fear abuse

Employers were genuinely concerned about the possible misuse of such sick leave. It was not yet clear in mid-April that there would be an extension of the rule. The German Employers’ Alliance then welcomed the abolition of such measures, believing that it was important to achieve gradual normalization.

Like medical associations, Hanes Blankenfeld assumes that employers’ interest lies in the context of just two weeks of prescription. Blankenfeld describes her experiences in a practice in which people tend to go to work with mild symptoms instead of getting sick.

The last group is a sizable minority, according to him: “It is scandalous that they only bring us into this situation for fear that there will be many sick leave,” says Blankenfeld.

The echoes of the Naked Doubt initiative also surprised Blankenfeld. So far, 50 photos have been posted on the site. But the doctors who are members of the initiative do not want to reduce them to photos, they want to listen to them.

“We want to guide people through the crisis as well. We want to protect our patients. We want to continue working together to overcome the crisis,” says Blankenfeld.

Doctors need support material in the form of protective suits. But also the support policy, so as not to make wrong decisions that “unnecessarily cause more chaos at the base.”
