Angered by the closure, Leskovcanin left a message on the shop door


In just a few days, the advertisement on the door of a furniture salon in Leskovac became a hit on social media, with the owner explaining that it was sparked by new government measures and the fact that just 100 meters from his store there are two supermarkets. that, despite the large crowds, function normally, while in the salon, in an area of ​​500 square meters, no customer can enter.

As of Wednesday, March 17, by decision of the Crisis Staff, the catering facilities were closed and neither the textile stores nor the furniture salons received a work permit. Only one closed door post stating the reasons why a furniture salon in Leskovac won’t work has become a real hit on social media, they write. Southern News.

“The inspiration for that ad, which I posted on my living room door, came as I was passing through Lidl and Roda, where I saw huge crowds. Here, that the authorities explain to me why it is not a risk to go to the grocery stores, and it is a risk to find several buyers in 500 square meters ”, says the owner of the salon.

He thinks that it is not logical to close the furniture salons in the period when people usually equip their homes in spring and summer.

“This is, in a way, a seasonal job. When the weather is nice, the furniture sells, everyone knows it.” If we were limited to working in so much space, then let other stores be prescribed that only you can find a customer at the bar, “believes Leskovcanin.

What may also worry owners whose stores are closed is that the epidemiological situation is deteriorating, so the announcements by epidemiologists that the stores will be closed for some time are heard louder and louder.
