01.10.2020. 14:06

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: EPA / Andrej Cukic
Although the already proven lie of the media mogul that Andrej Vučić, brother of the President of Serbia, is a kind of landowner, having thousands of hectares of land in Vojvodina, the new and even more stupid lies come from the opposition , has not calmed down yet.
After just a few days of the text ordered in the tycoon’s weekly and the attack on Aleksandar Vučić’s family, in which Andrej Vučić was attacked without any evidence and portrayed as a major land buyer, though not just Andrej Vučić but no one from the Vučić family owns land in Vojvodina, the people of Djilas came up with a new lie.
In other words, the activists of Dragan Đilas have now invented that Andrej Vučić bought the bakery chain “Hleb i kifle” for no more and no less than 2 million euros.
Sources close to Andrej Vučić learned that he not only has nothing to do with buying, selling or anything related to the bakery chain “Bread and muffins”, but he has never entered any bakery of the aforementioned chain in his life .
While we await a new lie about Aleksandar Vučić’s family, take a look at the incredible lies from Đilas activists on social media: