And six months after the crown, I have a lung problem.


PATIENT ZERO: And six months after the crown, I have a lung problem.

It was one step closer to the Igor Đantar respirator, Photo: Private archives

Today, six months after I was infected with the crown and was one step closer to a respirator, I only feel great happiness and gratitude to the doctors and God for having survived. When it was the worst and I couldn’t breathe or get up, the doctors put a picture of my children on the wall of my hospital room and said: ‘For them, you have to endure and survive.’

Lost a lot of weight

This is what Igor Đantar (43), officially patient zero, the first coronavirus patient in Serbia, told Kurir, exactly six months after this dangerous virus was confirmed in him on March 6. In his own words, Igor feels much better today than before, although until recently he felt the consequences of almost a month’s stay and struggle for life at the Vojvodina Clinical Center.

– There are still some lung problems. I tire faster, breathe harder, but it gets better. Until two weeks ago, I still felt the most severe consequences … Now the situation is a little better, but in two weeks I will have another check-up … My recovery has been terribly long. I never dreamed then that a small virus could cause so many problems in the body. That is why once again I call on everyone to be careful, wear masks and listen to the doctor’s recommendations because someone passes without symptoms, and someone like me, while others did not manage to survive – says Igor and adds that in bed from the hospital realized that everything is in life, except health, completely irrelevant:

– One day you have everything, and the next nothing … When I entered the hospital, I could not get out of bed or go to the bathroom, I could not eat for 10 days, I lost a lot of weight and before that I was full strength, trained. … Today I am happy to be able to go back to work, to walk, to go to lunch with friends, to enjoy life.


Đantar says that in the hospital he thought mainly about the children and their family and what would happen to them.

– The feeling is terrible, you are suffocating, you have no air … Those creepy scenes of intensive care keep coming back to me and I can never forget them. It’s definitely the worst seven days of my life. I was one step closer to the respirator, the saturation, that is, the oxygen level in the blood dropped so much that the next day they had to put me on mechanical ventilation … However, all that night a doctor sat with me and encouraged me , encouraged me, said yes. I breathe and hold on. I can never forget the commitment of the medical staff, and they still call me and ask how I’m doing. I will never be able to return everything they did for me – says Jantar, who once again calls on all citizens to respect the recommendations and take care of this “serious and malignant virus”, and be responsible both with themselves and with others.


Kon: increased number of people in kovid dispensaries

photo: Beta / Milan Obradović

Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Predrag Kon stated yesterday that the epidemiological situation in Serbia has stabilized at a low level, but that in Belgrade on Thursday and Friday a clear increase in the number of patients attending the clinic is clearly observed. .

– Fortunately, no covid is found in them, but that shows that acute respiratory infections, which we will have in the next period, are slowly beginning to intensify, and that will make the work of the medical services difficult – Kon told RTS.

He added that at the moment, the patient jump cannot be connected to the start of the school year:

– Schools will not be closed, only in case of massive infection in the general population.


I didn’t believe the president was calling me

While in the hospital, Đantara was invited by the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić to encourage and support him:

– At first, I could not believe that the president, in addition to all the obligations, came to call me and ask me about my health. Really, thank goodness for that, we listened to each other several times and agreed to see each other when this is all over … Sadly, the epidemic still continues and there are jumps and falls of new patients. I am sure that one day I will see Vučić – says Đantar. Jelena Pronić Photo: private archive

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Author: delivery courier
