“AND I DON’T WANT TO BOAST” How popular is Dritan among the female population? (VIDEO)


After the parliamentary elections in Montenegro, the Albanian from Ulcinj, Dritan Abazović, the first man of the civic movement URA (the “Black and White” list), came dizzyingly into the center of public attention.

Apart from the fact that, practically, he and his movement were the ones who decided who left and who came to power in the neighboring country, at the same time he was a person who became popular almost overnight throughout Montenegro, including Serbia.

Who is he, what does he do, where does he live, does he have a girlfriend / wife / children … These and other personal questions have simply become unavoidable.

Judging from the posts on the social network Instagram, there is no doubt that Abazović enjoys the attention he received from the female sex.

The video, which was made in a nightclub, and which he published himself, shows that Abazović does not reject fans, but meets them and takes photos with each of them, after greeting them with a handshake.

The girls, on the other hand, take pictures with him with the obligatory smile on his face.

He spoke about members of the fairer sex in an interview.

On that occasion, the presenter also asked a “million euro question”: how successful is it with the female population, and Dritan said he didn’t want to brag about that. And that video appeared on her Instagram profile.

– If we reduce it to a monetary measure, we should reduce it to one euro, not one million. I don’t want to brag, but I think whoever knows me knows the answer – said Abazović with a smile.
