AND FOR THEM, THEY ONLY SCREAM PLASTIC, PLASTIC! The sisters of “Big Brother” crossed their busts and it is not known which is BIGGER, and in the past another story


Barbara and Tina Šegetin wowed during “Big Brother” seven years ago. Barbara was already a silicone beauty at the time, but her sister Tina was not. However, that has also changed.

Barbara ŠegetinPhoto: P. Dimitrijević / RAS Serbia

Barbara Šegetin

In their native Croatia, the two are considered silicone beauties and are mostly shouted “Plastic, plastic” at them, but they don’t resort to such malicious comments.

Tina ŠegetinPhoto: Big Brother / screenshot

Tina Šegetin

They both live in Belgrade and are completely different from that time.

Barbara Šegetin, a 30-year-old former “Big Brother” participant, installed silicones, and according to Croatian media, her mother cut it all off and gave her 2.5,000 euros. Now she is in a relationship with a certain Lazar and she doesn’t like to talk about it.

On the other hand, Tina Šegetin (28) was at the center of a scandal when it was rumored that she had had a fight with the ex-girlfriend of her now ex-boyfriend.

During “Big Brother”, she was the great love of then-winner Darko Spejk, and later she was also a natural beauty.

That is, according to the information on the Croatian portal “24”, she divorced after only a year and a half of marriage in which she was with the Montenegrin Raco Jovanović.

– We haven’t lived together for three months. During that time, we filed the divorce papers. We do not participate in hostile relationships. Simply, our characters and thoughts did not agree, and we come from two different origins: Tina said for the portal “24” and said at the time that she was the initiator of the divorce.

After all, he moved from his native Macedonia to Belgrade.

– Now I am in Belgrade, where I live with my sister Barbara and my mother Jasenko. I was with my sister and a friend on a summer vacation in Montenegro, we were resting our brains, Tina revealed.

Tina, by the way, changed her personal description.

VIDEO: Famous ladies with silicones
