And for one thing, she always complained!


He found refuge during the Dragica Radosavljevic Cakana pandemic in a large courtyard where he exercises every day.

“We have our own home gym and our patio is spacious, I like to exercise outdoors. I am lucky to have a home so I don’t have to sit indoors. I have always been physically active, constantly in action for someone, now I had to slow down a bit and I even like it, “says Cakana, adding:

“I can go to the store, I’m still not in that crisis group for years, but I don’t buy anything in large quantities. Only now there is more flour, oil and yeast because I have time to prepare cakes and fine doughs that go hand in hand, without However, we do not exaggerate in order not to gain weight. “

Cakana says through a smile that she has finally found enough time to dedicate herself to everything she has never had before.

“I always lost three more hours in the 24 hours of that day. With Nash I organized myself well, now we have time for each other for how long we have not had,” said the singer, admitting that her separation from her family is the most hard.

“My mother and sister are in Kosovo, while my daughter is in Moscow. Care is simply an integral part of everyone’s life now. Mom is not moving out of the house, it is important for us at this time to stay healthy. We all listen much more now than before. ” it is an advantage. With my daughter I watch on Skype, she works from home like many “, he concluded.

photo: Dragana Udovicic, M.G / Blic / Photo: Ana Paunkovic


Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
