And Dveri is preparing to enter the electoral race. 2020 elections


Complete disintegration in the SzS, after the Free Citizens Movement gave up the boycott

AFTER the Free Citizens Movement, which announced yesterday that it was entering the electoral race, Dveri could make that decision today, “Novosti” found out unofficially.

Dveri’s party bodies should discuss this in the sessions scheduled for today, and leader Boško Obradović, in his speech at the meeting of the leaders of the Alliance for Serbia, held on Thursday, practically already hinted at a change of course in what Regarding boycott strategy.

According to our information, only the heads of the Popular Party and the Democratic Party, Vuk Jeremic and Zoran Lutovac, held firm positions on not going to the polls at this meeting. Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas “softened” when it comes to local elections, saying it might be possible to consider going to the polls in cities where the opposition could get more support.

PSG President Sergej Trifunović said this movement will go only to the parliamentary elections, and that he will try to reach agreements on the joint exit with other parties, but that he does not see Cedo Jovanović, Nenad Čanko, “Serbia 21” between potential partners. ..

He explained the change in the boycott decision, which they made in January, saying that the political and social circumstances are not the same and that none of those who defend the strategy of not going to the polls can explain what its purpose is. However, he added, he still sees Jeremic and Djilas as comrades-in-arms. Trifunovic applauded Obradovic’s new violent outburst in front of the Assembly, which he said was “the only type of fight he considers significant.”
