And Dr. Srdja Jankovic on the MEASURE that could be next, and this is what he says about POLICE HOUR and school closings


The number of people infected with the corona virus is increasing dramatically and, as immunologist Srđa Janković puts it, “it is certainly not going to get better.” However, he adds that there is still no talk of introducing the most severe measures, which include a curfew.

– The number of newly infected is the most important parameter when looking at the number tested, but we do not make a decision about quarantine based on that parameter alone. For now, there are measures that, if we all implement them, could significantly reduce the increase. The next measure could be to reduce the number of people gathered in one place from the current 30. We want to avoid the curfew by suppressing the increase in the number of infected people. It is not our objective to introduce restrictive measures. They are presented when there is no other option – said Janković as a guest on “Prva” television.

He also pointed out that we are still in the phase of increasing the number of patients in this wave, that the clinical picture takes time to develop, and that although the situation is better compared to the same day during the last wave, it can always take a turn.

– The number of people with a serious clinical picture is increasing with delay. We still have fewer infected and seriously ill people compared to the peak of the last wave. Our goal is to slow down that process, Janković adds.

About school closings

When it comes to closing schools, this immunologist points out that the flexible schooling model has shown itself well, that there is no need for complete school closings and that the isolation of the department in which kovid-19 occurs is sufficient.

– It is not necessary for the entire school system to switch to online teaching. It is important that children go to school, not only for education, but also for socialization and psychological factors – explains the immunologist.

How to maintain immunity

When asked if there were any supplements we could use to boost immunity and reduce the risk of coronavirus infection, Jankovic said “I would not recommend supplements unless prescribed by a doctor.”

– I would recommend a healthy and balanced diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables. There is some clinical evidence that zinc can protect the immune system, but this occurs in people who have at least one latent zinc deficiency. For those who have enough, an excess in the body will do nothing, he notes.

He adds that “multivitamin preparations are not effective,” but “vitamin D is recommended in small doses.”

– Although certain supplements are possible, choosing and taking them on your own is not something that I, as an immunologist, can recommend. There is no specific remedy that can prevent coronavirus infection. Children can receive vitamin D, which is recommended during winter. When we were children, they also gave us fish oil, says Dr. Janković.

The mask protects us up to 99 percent if we all use it

Throughout the epidemic, this immunologist insisted on not removing his mask, which is still the case, and sent the same message in his third wave.

– The mask protects against infections. It protects us to a lesser extent and to a greater extent if we are infected. It can provide a high degree of protection. It’s certainly not absolute, but if we all wear it, the mask collectively protects us by up to 99 percent, Janković concludes.

VIDEO: How the crown enters human cells
