Anastasia and Viktor drank 28 bottles of wine, and HE was there too!


CECINA'S DAUGHTER AND BRENA'S SON DID A SUPERIOR PARTY ON NOVI SAD: Anastasia and Viktor drank 28 bottles of wine, and HE was there too!

Photo: Print screen / Instagram

Viktor Zivojinovic and Anastasia Raznatovic had a party at the home of Anastasia’s boyfriend, George Kuljic, in Novi Sad.

Viktor boasted on social media that they drank 28 bottles of wine from his father Bobo Živojinović’s cellar from Friday afternoon until Monday morning.

photo: Damir Dervišagić

“Anastasia and Viktor have been friends for years. In addition to having many friends in common, Viktor has known Tasa’s boyfriend, George, since childhood. They have not seen each other since the start of the crown epidemic, so they could hardly wait to spend the weekend in Novi Sad. ” keyboard player and made a party “, says the source and adds:

“They spent their days by the pool by the barbecue, and at night drank the wine that Viktor brought from his father Boba’s cellar. Viktor couldn’t resist boasting on Instagram that they drank 28 bottles over the weekend! Yesterday morning everyone went home except Anastasia !, who stayed with the boy and helped him clean everything. “

photo: Tamara TrajkovićĐ/Alo, Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

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