Ana tames the “eagle”, the first woman to command a bomber in Serbia


Ana has been with the 241st Fighter-Bomber Squadron for seven years. His school fighter jet training lasted so long, and after that, under the command of the Eagle-type assault fighter.

“I came to the 98th Airlift Brigade in 2013. I flew on the ‘Super Galeb G 4’ plane. This year, I was expected to re-train in this type. It goes according to a certain plan and program,” says Captain Ana Perišić .

Many more exams and flight hours await Ana in her career as a pilot in our air force. So far, he has passed them all with the highest marks. Starting with the entrance exams and psychophysical skills tests at the Military Academy, which enrolled the first generation of women in 2007, up to the present day.

“Immediately after applying, you decide which direction to sign up for. I wanted it to be aviation. I hadn’t had any encounters with planes before, except for a few passenger flights. I decided to give it a try. It seemed like a good challenge to me when I was at” I fell in love with flying. I liked it and decided to make it the calling of my life “, says Ana.

Many responsibilities and tasks now lie before Ana. That 241 Squad is a unit with a long and rich tradition in our air force. Many of its pilots wrote the most brilliant pages of modern history, which was also marked by the armed conflicts in this area.

Ana has many obligations in the family as the wife of a fellow Serbian army officer and the mother of two children. Being a military pilot is an exceptional part, but it also requires a lot of effort, knowledge and will to achieve it, says Ana.

“Anyone who loves aviation and aviation should give it a try. If he wants to be a pilot, try enrolling in an academy and see if it is for him or not,” says Ana.

Ana is one of the 10 female officers of the Morava airport air brigade. They all hold very responsible positions in the unit. They are side by side in line with other Airmen and are proud to belong to the flying units.
