ANA BRNABIĆ ON THE INTRODUCTION OF STRICT MEASURES: The situation will worsen, there are no plans to close again


– We will avoid that, we will achieve it in another way to act preemptively in the third wave – said Brnabić as a guest on TV Pink.

Brnabic assessed that if we are not disciplined, we can get into trouble quickly and asked citizens to wear masks.

– As someone who is president of the Crisis Staff, I must say that it does not stop so easily. We see an increase in the number and it is certain that we will have a worsening in the coming days, Brnabić said, noting that it is important to protect the health system.

When asked what the collapse of the healthcare system would be like, Brnabić said it would be the same as in New York, Italy … and that means there would be no place for intensive care, there would be no anesthesiologists …

– We have so many respirators that I think sometime we will find ourselves in a situation where there are not enough. However, we cannot revert to allowing all hospitals to be covid hospitals, we must also treat those suffering from other diseases, Brnabić said.

He noted that the temporary hospital in the Arena is opening not because the hospitals are full, but in order not to convert other hospitals into a hospital.

Commenting that the main culprits for the spread of the epidemic and the new wave are emerging, namely the owners of bars, rafts, and that there are no penalties, Brnabić asked if he knows how many inspectors he has to control all the cafes.

It rejected the claims that the reason for the lack of sanction is that some owners are “yours and others are ours.”

– This is a common struggle for all of us, for all citizens, health workers, we charge considerable fines – said Brnabić and reiterated that we must not allow all hospitals to be paralyzed and reach a situation where we cannot treat people with other illnesses. .

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