Ana Brnabić – coronavirus – infected


Prime Minister Ana Brnabić stated that today more than 2,000 newly infected with the coronavirus are expected, of which, according to her, more than 1,000 are newly infected in Belgrade alone.

“The epidemiological situation in the country will undoubtedly get worse. Every day is important to us until we finish two new kovid hospitals. Then it will be easier for our health system, and that will be in December,” he told TV Prva.

Brnabic announced that healthcare workers will receive a one-time award of 10,000 dinars before the end of the year.

He said that despite the huge extraordinary expenses the state had, the salary of all healthcare workers increased by 10% this year, and by the end of the year they will be paid a reward of 10,000 dinars, according to the site. Government website.

“Almost nowhere in Europe will wages and pensions increase, as will happen in Serbia,” Brnabic said.

He stated that it currently appears that this year’s economic growth in Serbia will amount to between minus 0.7 and minus 0.1 percent, which will be by far the best result in Europe.

“Our income is not falling so drastically with the internal availability of funds. Public debt will continue to be below 60 percent of GDP and, according to our projections and those of the IMF and the World Bank, we can say that we will have economic growth in 2021 from 5.5 or six percent, “Brnabic said.

He added that starting January 1, even with conservative planning, there will be room in the budget to increase salaries and pensions.

He also said that the government’s thematic sessions will be held “at least once every three months” in the presence of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the President of the Assembly, Ivica Dačić.

He also announced that at the end of the week progress will be seen on the issue of the announced fight against crime. Brnabic said she was satisfied with the work of the new government, stating that they work “day and night.”

Speaking of the formation of the government, she said that she had the help of the president of Serbia because, as she said, he is the holder of the electoral list chosen by the citizens and that Vucic is a “world-class politician with whom I would consult although was president. ” countries “.

She affirmed that during this year she saw in the countries of the world how much conflicts within the government can cause a problem, and added that she was also satisfied with the relationship between her and the president of the state.

Regarding the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, the Prime Minister stated that the decision is up to Brussels, but that Belgrade is willing to continue the talks.
