Ana Brnabić, acting head of diplomacy, until the appointment of a new minister – Politika


The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, will transfer her functions in the Government to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dačić, tomorrow, because, in addition to the functions of Prime Minister, she will also carry out the functions of Minister of Foreign Affairs until the appointment of a new Minister, announced the government press service.

Ana Brnabić Acting Head of Diplomacy until the appointment of a new Minister 1Photo: FoNet / Božana Pavlica

After the SNS Presidency session, President Aleksandar Vučić announced that the progressives would keep the Socialists as coalition partners in the new government, but in a slightly modified format of coalition cooperation.

Vučić announced that Ivica Dačić will be the Speaker of the Assembly of Serbia.

Commenting on that decision, Dacic said that “for each politician who builds the state, the greater part is being at the head of the highest representative body and bearer of constitutional and legislative power in the Republic of Serbia.”

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