11.10.2020. 17:35 – 11.10.2020. 17:44
Today a photo of this phenomenon that appeared in the sky above the “pyramid of Rtanj”, that is, Rtnje, the most mystical mountain in Serbia, which many believe hides a real pyramid, is being shared today on the social networks of Serbia, more older than the Egyptians.

Rtanj, Photo: Shutterstock
Many mountains Rtanj they attribute mystical properties believing that those who are there at the time of the end of the world will be the only ones who will survive Armageddon. Others are convinced that it is Rtanj UFO a base that magically opens to land out-of-this-world aircraft with the claim that they saw unusual lights at night over the top of this mountain that cannot be attributed to earthly things.
Rtanj is one of the most beautiful mountains in Serbia, where many medicinal plants grow, so due to its beauty and clean air, it is a frequent destination for domestic and foreign tourists, many of whom have decided to stay in it forever and thus settle in Serbia.
Today, a halo or solar halo appeared in the sky over Rtnje, which is nothing more than an optical phenomenon, which is one of the most accurate signs of the worsening of the weather and the arrival of heavy rains, which are expected to arrive in the next 24 hours.