Although the raspberry season ended almost three months ago, in the Vlade Markovic orchard in the village of Velika Jezevica near Pozega, at the end of October, the fruits turned red again.
It is not uncommon for certain raspberry varieties to give birth when temperatures are high during the fall months, but this happens very rarely with the Vilamet variety, which is the case with the Government.

“Fruits have appeared on young shoots that have sprouted this year. In addition to the ones that are ready for harvest, there are many more greens that will soon be ripe. There is no talk of buying in the fall, because the quantities are small, but we will give it back from home. and use it as well as the neighbors who nibble for candy or juices. There is no difference in taste, they are juicy like those of July ”, Vladeta told RINA.

Experts at the Institute of Fruit Growing in Čačak point out that warm autumn days, without much precipitation, affect the resurgence and hatching of raspberries, but that this may affect the yield next year.
“In my little girl, Vilamet gave birth last year as well, and this summer we were afraid for the family. However, there were no obstacles. I marked the buds that gave birth last October, and they gave birth again in June and July, which is great, ”she said. Vladeta.

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Author: delivery courier