An indictment has been brought against Radomir Blagojevic for horrible crimes


ONE WOMAN WAS BURNED ALIVE AND ANOTHER RAPED: Indictment brought against Radomir Blagojević for horrible crimes

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The Belgrade High Prosecutor’s Office today filed an indictment against Radomir Blagojević (52) on suspicion that he spilled gasoline on ZK and set her on fire on July 13 in Surčin, as a result of which the woman died, as well as the rape of RN in June of this year.

The indictment accuses Blagojevic of cruel aggravated homicide and rape, said the spokeswoman for the prosecution, Irena Bjelos, of Tanjug.

photo: Ana Paunković

He was arrested a few days after he set fire to ZK, who died in hospital on July 15 from severe second and third degree wounds and burns.

Blagojević is suspected of waiting for her in the hall of the building where she lives on July 13.

When she entered the entrance, he followed her and after a brief discussion and her refusal to let him into the apartment, he poured gasoline from the canister he had prepared beforehand while she turned her back on him and set it on fire.

photo: Ana Paunković

ZK suffered second- and third-degree injuries to the head, neck, torso, and extremities of about 3/4 of the body, 87 percent.

As a result, he suffered severe pain until his death two days later, on July 15.

Furthermore, Blagojević is suspected of raping RN, whom he knew before, at his sister’s house in Radinac, near Smederevo, in June this year.

photo: Ana Paunković

The suspicion tore RN’s damaged clothing at night, hit him in the face, head and body, and then raped and struck her again.

On that occasion, the woman suffered injuries and lacerations on her body.

The accusation against Blagojevic was presented to the High Court today for confirmation.


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Author: delivery courier
