AN INCIDENT HAPPENED, IT KICKED MIKO: Branislav Lečić revealed why he left the children out of Miroslav Aleksić’s acting school


Actor Branislav Lečić revealed that his son Ivan and daughter Ana were at Mike Aleksić’s school, but dropped out after a year because they did not like his method of work.

– It is obvious that sexual manipulation and blackmail were carried out, and this leads him to inherit from his behavior a position in which he could pressure young women. I enrolled my children because I had a good reputation and it served to divert their attention from the games, towards something that is very useful for reading, learning texts and without fear. From the actor’s experience, he wanted that. He was famous, he was useful, even his method was to discipline the children and I wanted to give Ivana and Ana a gift and they spent a year there, and their reactions were to insult them. There was even an incident where he kicked Mika and his shin, and he was never aggressive, and I discarded children, the actor said.

– I know Mika, we worked on a project, we went to university together and that impression left a mark on me. People don’t understand what manipulation and blackmail are. Any form of manipulation is violence and it still has a goal. When the rape starts, when you don’t stop at the first NO, if you don’t stop at the first NO, violence happens, then you become an animal – said Lečić.

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