An even more brutal video of a fight appeared in Novi Sad (ANNOYING VIDEO)



12.09.2020. 17:23 – 12.09.2020. 17:29

The cameras captured horrible scenes of abuse.

Mutilation of young men in Novi Sad

Mutilation of young men in Novi Sad, Photo: Youtube / Printscreen

The new video shows in detail how the young man was brutally beaten and that several people took part in this fight.

Today, a long video of the brutal beating of a young man in front of a gambling shop in Novi Sad appeared on social media, revealing new details about how the young man was brutally beaten and how both his arms were broken, as well as all the actors involved. in his beating, and then calmly. watched as IK mutilated the victim to the end.

Mutilation of young men in Novi Sad

Mutilation of young men in Novi Sad, Photo: Youtube / Printscreen

That is, the new video shows in detail how the young man was brutally beaten and that several people took part in this fight. The video shows the suspects grabbing the victim by the neck with their hands, but another young man can also be seen who then throws the brutally beaten man by the shirt and hits him first with his knee on the back and then with his fist. in the head.

While a security worker tries to separate the victim from the aggressor, a young man seen at the beginning of the video hitting the victim with his knee and fist, now shoots him in the head while a group of young people observe everything in silence .

The violence continues with the young man in a gray shirt running constantly, when security tries to stop him and keeps him aside, while the first suspect continues with brutal chants, and finally turning the body of the unconscious young man with the intention of breaking his arms.

The recording also records the moment when one of the security workers approaches the attacker, but he briefly stops singing and threatens him with his finger, after which he retreats while the other security worker pushes the observers.

At the end of the video, the youths disperse, while the victim remains unconscious.
