“AN EPIDEMIC OF CANCER, Stroke, AND HEART ATTACK!” Doctors warn that because of the fear of the crown, we are in even greater danger


The latest in a series of news to arrive: no more cancer patients. It has not been long since the information emerged that more and more people are suffering from diabetes. And then a question: when was the last time you went to the dentist?

All of this leads us to one conclusion: along with the global coronary virus pandemic, are we also threatened by epidemics of chronic and dental diseases? That seems very safe.

As the pandemic unfolded, so did the fear of an unknown and very dangerous virus, that is, the fear of contracting it. However, on the other hand, the fear of all known diseases has been neglected.

There were fewer visits to the doctor, fewer visits to controls, a long time in quarantine and now, months later, those habits have come true. This is exactly what our interlocutors, the doctors, agree with.

“They were all running away from us”

– They all ran away from us, doctor. On the other hand, everything was subordinate to the coronavirus, so we and the patients were afraid of getting infected, by the disease itself, so that we had someone to work with and treat. That is why today, when the situation has calmed down, more and more chronic patients appear, explains Dr. Branka Grujić from the Zvezdara Health Center for “Blic”.

He says that mostly cardiovascular and psychiatric patients appear, and that due to fear of an infection that would have serious consequences, lung patients made fewer visits to the doctor.

– Now everything is returning to normal, every day we reschedule the failed appointments of March, April, as each hospital opens and leaves the covid system, so we schedule exams that should have been done a long time ago – says Dr. Grujić .

New Belgrade Health Center Red RowsPhoto: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

New Belgrade Health Center Red Rows

She says there are many “neglected cases.”

– These are patients who had some symptoms of chronic diseases, but who did not go to the doctor out of fear. We did not react in time and now they come in other stages … We also have many strokes after a crown, heart attack, cancer, it is a real epidemic and, unfortunately, a lot among young people – concludes Dr. Grujić.

The situation is similar when it comes to dental disease. During the strongest hit of the crown, this segment of health was mostly forgotten. That is exactly what our interlocutor says.

“They come a little bit anyway, even less during the crown.”

– Over a longer period of time, the number of exams was reduced. Until a month ago, patients came only for emergency interventions. Today is different and there are those who postponed their exams for fear of the corona virus – says dentist Ana Mitrović for “Blic”.

She notes that dental care in our country is at an unenviable level anyway, and the corona virus and fear of infection have certainly helped further an already unfavorable situation.

dentistsPhoto: Siniša Pašalić / RAS Serbia


– We give a questionnaire to all the patients who are older now and we measure the temperature. In dental institutions, hygiene has already been strengthened, now it is at an even higher level – he points out.

For all that, it is not surprising that all the black statistics that arrive day by day. For example, poor diabetes-related statistics were exacerbated by the current epidemic of kovida 19, which cast a shadow over other chronic diseases and the patients who suffer from them, as well as doctors’ efforts to give them full attention during the crisis caused by this. virus.

“Only 20 percent of chronic patients came”

– If the epidemic persists, patients will probably not be able to attend medical examinations in the future as they are used to. That is why now we do not have a true picture of what is happening with diabetes, nor do we know the condition of our patients. Since KBC “Zvezdara” ceased to be a hospital, only 20% of patients attended scheduled check-ups, because people are afraid of catching it, but that means they are not even checked regularly – explains prof. Dr. Teodora Beljić Živković, director of the “Zvezdara” Clinical Hospital Center.

DiabetesPhoto: N. Mihajlović / RAS Serbia


An additional problem to all this is the fact that patients with diabetes are twice as likely to develop cardiovascular and kidney diseases, which further worsens their diagnosis and life expectancy.

Heart failure occurs as the first complication of diabetes, as early as the first five years after diabetes diagnosis in 70 percent of patients.

The cancer epidemic

Prof. Dr Slobodan Cikaric, a radiologist-oncologist and former president of the Serbian Cancer Society, says there is no doubt that the corona virus will contribute to an increase in the number of cancer deaths, which would likely be cured if there were no erythemia.

– The crown interferes with the early detection and treatment of cancer, resulting in an increase in the death rate of cancer patients. Kovid 19 will be guilty, not the people of the health service, because this year normal work in oncology has been disabled. Patients fear prevention due to possible infection in waiting rooms – explains Dr. Čikarić about “Kurir”.

– The later the treatment, the less successful the cure will be. The coronavirus has interrupted specific cancer therapy and, when the statistics are processed, the mortality rate in patients treated for malignant tumors during the epidemic is likely to be significantly higher than in previous years, Čikaric explains, adding that the danger is still higher. does not know if the crown will stop this year. “
