An epidemic has been declared in four kindergartens in Belgrade – the Society


An epidemic has been declared in the “Nada Purić” kindergarten, which works within the Vračar preschool institution, as 12 employees were infected with the corona virus, parents whose children go to this kindergarten tell Danas .

An epidemic was declared in four kindergartens in Belgrade 1Photo: Pixabay / Iwona_Olczyk

“Dear parents, as of today, November 10, the epidemiologist of the Municipal Institute declared an epidemic in the kindergarten” Nada Purić “.

All the measures have been taken and will continue to be taken, and the kindergarten will continue to operate on Thursday, November 12 ”, reads the message that the parents received from the educator.

Parents say the number of infected people in this kindergarten has skyrocketed in the past ten days, so currently half of the total number of employees is on sick leave.

Apart from the information that an epidemic has been declared, they claim that no one has officially explained to them what that means, but has indirectly suggested that those who do not have to, do not bring a child to kindergarten.

It is unofficially mentioned that the infection originated in several children who were in kindergarten because they had no symptoms, although there were positives for the corona virus among their parents.

The city’s Ministry of Education and Child Protection confirmed to Danas that 12 employees of the “Nada Purić” kindergarten were infected and that they and their contacts were isolated, and the kindergarten continues to operate in accordance with prescribed epidemiological measures.

The Secretariat explains that the Municipal Institute of Public Health declares an epidemic in each kindergarten in which more than six employees are infected.

– There are currently four kindergartens of this type in Belgrade. This does not necessarily mean that the kindergarten is closed, nor that the situation is alarming, but that the presence of the virus has increased and that more supervision is needed, and that the infected and the kindergarten have been given measures that they must be implemented. The City Public Health Institute decides the measures for each kindergarten individually, and so far they have done an excellent job as there was no significant contagion of children in kindergartens, which is the goal, because every time They reacted quickly and the spread of the virus was stopped, they say in the Secretariat.

They point out that so far no measure has been imposed in Belgrade to close kindergartens because all cases were under control.

If there is an uncontrolled spread of the infection in a kindergarten, it will surely be closed on the days recommended by the Municipal Institute of Public Health, they point out in the Ministry of Education and Child Protection.

Last week, the Belgrade Independent Union of Early Childhood Education Workers addressed the public with an open letter warning that it is increasingly difficult to implement prescribed measures to suppress and prevent coronavirus infection in kindergartens. .

Among other things, they claimed that preschool institutions lack funds for protection and hygiene, which the city’s secretary for education and child protection, Slavko Gak, denied, noting that the kindergartens in Belgrade are not absolutely without equipment for protection.

Gak said another 15 million dinars were set aside for the purchase of additional equipment to “meet” needs at the end of January.

He reiterated that in the meeting he held on Friday with the representatives of the representative unions of employees in preschool institutions.

After that meeting, the sectoral union of Serbian educators “Nezavisnost” announced that Gak asked the union representatives to provide him with written information when protection measures were not implemented and to inform them that the money for the purchase of protective equipment was approved at the request of preschool institutions.

Monitoring the situation

One of the union’s demands was to start working in the Working Group for the monitoring of epidemiological measures in preschool institutions, which was formed in September and has not been fulfilled so far. In the meeting with the city secretary, it was agreed that members of that group would meet in the next term, Vesna Janjić, president of the Independent Union of Early Childhood Education Workers in Belgrade, told Danas.

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