An earthquake message from Tiana’s father



Photo: Marina Lopicic, Private Archive

The bombs were falling all over Serbia and the country was tense and sad, and the most beautiful and wonderful thing happened to the Juric family, and another girl was born to them. On May 4, 1999, little Tijana came into the world.

The name they gave her at birth will decorate her to the end. She was calm, quiet and very good. She was overwhelmed with her composure. A boy who knew how to sneak under his skin. She was a little girl.

Photo: Facebook print screen

– She was our happiness, our love, our EVERYTHING. We loved her the best we knew, and we knew it. We wanted so much to give you …

Tijana Juric would be celebrating her birthday today and would have turned 21 years old. Instead of hugging, kissing and congratulating her, her family will go to her grave.

If on the night of July 25-26, 2014, near the village of Bajmok, the butcher Dragan Djuric had not committed a monstrous murder against fifteen-year-old Tijana, today it would be different. It would be fun Instead, immense sadness …

Tijana’s father this morning shared on his Facebook profile a song dedicated to his murdered daughter, sung by Tijana Bogicevic. He wrote briefly: “See you … Happy birthday to you.”

photo: ATA Images, private archive

They remind us of the words of the song:

“When I close my eyes every time
I can see your character clearly
palm lines, sight and smooth path
and listen to what you’re saying to me.

And so be close to my dreams
I know you see the features on my face
you read unequivocally from your lips
How I pray for someone of mine.

(Ma) see you, see you
Now we are far, but through the other
We are alive “.

Tiana’s lifeless act was found twelve days after the brutal murder, and this entire case has rocked the public in all the Balkans.

Dragan Djuric was sentenced to a maximum of 40 years in prison.

photo: private archive

She wanted to enroll in high school for music, in two directions: cello and ethnomusicology.

As her parents used to say, Tiana is a girl who never lied.

– She never disappointed us and each of her acts was well thought out. He thought three steps ahead. Tiana was loved by young children because she knew how to deal with them, and older people loved her because she knew she respected them. She was our happiness, our love, our EVERYTHING. We loved her the best we knew, and we knew it. We wanted so much to give you …

photo: Н.Х.


Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
