An autopsy revealed that Sandra (47) died, and this is what will happen to the arrested Nenad (55)


An autopsy showed that Sandra Dragicevic, 47, who was found dead in an apartment in Zarkovo on Monday morning, did not die a violent death.

As we have learned unofficially, the autopsy report clearly indicates that he died due to a ruptured femoral artery. Such a fatal outcome is characteristic of long-term drug users.

Zharkovo, murder, wife
photo: Kurir / JI

Let us remind you that Sandra’s friend, Nenad I. (55), was arrested on suspicion of murder. He claimed from the start that he didn’t kill his friend, and now it turns out that he was telling the truth.

Nenad claimed he found Sandra’s body when he was returning from the store, and then called an ambulance.

Sandra’s body was found on the bed in a pool of blood.

Zharkovo, murder, wife
photo: Kurir / JI

Those who knew Sandra through Kurir reveal that as a young woman she was extremely beautiful and attractive, but that taking narcotics destroyed her.

From sources close to the deceased, we learn that she comes from a wealthy family and that she has a brother who lives and works abroad. Also, the same sources claim that Sandra was a bit headstrong from an early age, but that she was an excellent student.


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