An associate of the Kavač clan revealed the PLAN FOR TWO SETTLEMENTS


Nikola Drecun, accused of being a member of a criminal organization close to the Kavač clan, admitted during the investigation that he and Nikola Ćupić tried to kill Dragan Roganović, Goran Radoman’s former bodyguard, whose death marked the beginning of the war between the Skalj clans and the Kavač in Serbia and Montenegro.

He tried to kill Roganović in Cetinje in 2017. As he said, Nikola Ćupić, who died in an improvised explosion in February 2019, helped him in that. He tried to kill him because, supposedly, it was Ćupić who blackmailed him.

Drecun is accused of belonging to a criminal organization run by Radovan Mujovic and Vasilije Rafailovic, according to the indictment.

Goran radoman

Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia

Goran radoman

Drecun recounted in detail that he took larger sums of money in interests of the late Ćupić and that in mid-2017 his debt was more than 10,000 euros, and that the interests were constantly increasing, so he reached a situation where he could not repay the money. .

Then, as he said, Ćupić offered to kill Dragan Roganović on his behalf and, in return, forgive him the monetary debt. He believes he was blackmailed for this, writes Pobjeda.

He followed Roganović for two months

Another motive for killing Roganović on behalf of Ćupić was that Ragovanoić allegedly abused him and beat him several times.

Drecun said that two months before the assassination attempt, he followed Roganović’s movements at night and toured the place where he lives. As he explained, at first they used normal telephones and then encrypted “blackberries”.

On the day he shot Roganović, he said that Ćupić had brought him to Podgorica in the trunk the day before and that he had a “Kalashnikov” automatic rifle with a frame of ammunition.

As he said, they arrived at the scene by car, he was wearing a jacket, a couple of numbers larger, so that he could carry an automatic rifle without obstacles underneath. When Roganović approached the building, he said, he fired at it with an automatic rifle from a distance of about 50 meters, firing all the bullets from the frame. After that, he began to flee the crime scene, and the rifle was hidden under his jacket during that time.

In his defense, Drecun also said that after that, he went down Bajova Street towards Naselje on July 4, where he entered through the residential entrance of a building and told Ćupić on an encrypted phone what had happened and where it had happened. refugee. As he said, he stayed there until the next day, when Ćupić arrived and told him where the rifle was. Cupic then destroyed the rifle.

In addition to Mujovic, Rafailovic and Drecun, the indictment includes, as reported by Pobjeda, Petar Lipovina, Mitar Markovic, Filip Knezevic, Zarko Pejakovic, Lazar Nedovic, Aleksandar Cetkovic, Bosko Pavlovic, Jovan Mirkovic, Aleksandar Stevanovic, Nikolaeva ZorĐic Filip Bešović, Goran Rakočević, Ivan Brnović, Mošo Paović, Aleksandar Đurđevac, V. I, AD and ZN

Associate witnesses explained to investigators in detail how the criminal organization works, which is part of the Kavač clan, and which is run by Mujović and Rafailović.

The Office of the Special Prosecutor charged Rafailović and Mujović with organizing a group in Montenegro and Kosovo since the beginning of 2017, which planned criminal acts for which a sentence of four years or more could be imposed.

Montenegrin Police

Photo: RAS Serbia

Montenegrin Police

Each member had a specific role and task, and the activities of the criminal organization were planned for an unlimited period of time and carried out on an international scale.

The special prosecutor’s office accuses Lipovina that in mid-2018, together with Jovan Mirković, he incited Aleksandar Stevanović and Bajram Pista, who were in Kosovo, to the aggravated murder of Goran Slovinić and Marko Ljubiša, which, fortunately, they were unable to do.

The special prosecutor’s office accuses Lipovina of hiring Lazar Nedović and Žarko Pejaković from UICS in early April 2019 to set fire to two cars of Miloš Đuričković and three cars of Igor Vušurović for a reward of 3,000 euros.

The Security Service suspects the defendant Rafailović of participating in the murder of Đorđe Boreta and the accidental victim of a Niš doctor, Dragan Zečević, on 7 December 2016, while Mujović was arrested last year for drug trafficking.

He also tried to kill Ranko Radulovic.

During the investigation, the defendant Drecun also admitted the attempted murder of Ranko Radulović in the Spuž pre-trial prison.

Drecun said that on June 3 he attacked Radulović in a walking circle, as he said, without anyone knowing. The next day, when he arrived at the jail, as he himself said, he heard a voice coming from outside with his first and last name, threatening that Ranko Radulović would “kill him in the corridor, that it was better not to go out and that he was dead” .

The next day, he claimed, the same person came under the bedroom window and threatened: “Ranko Radulović will send someone to rape your sister and throw her in the dump.” The next day, he went out for a walk and heard Radulovic’s voice and, as he said, he was sure it was the same voice.

After that, Radulović threatened him that his men would rape his sister and throw him in a landfill. Since he could no longer tolerate that, Drecun, as he put it, decided to attack Radulović on his own. Earlier he had found a piece of scissors in a walking circle that he had taken with him.

On the disputed day, when Radulović was in the circle for a walk, he said they did not threaten him and then cut him twice on the back, but without the intention of killing him. He said that no one but him was involved in the attack on Radulović and that his roommates were unaware of it.

In this case, Marinko Rajković and Bajrami Pisti were granted the status of collaborating witnesses.

Radoman: the first victim of the clan war.

When the Montenegrin media reported on Roganović’s injuries three years ago, it was also written that Roganović had allegedly been protecting him before, as a bodyguard, linked him to Goran Radoman.

Radoman was killed in a building in New Belgrade

Photo: RAS Serbia

Radoman was killed in a building in New Belgrade

Radoman was murdered in February 2015 in New Belgrade, and was held responsible for the disappearance of 300 kilograms of cocaine from his apartment in Valencia. Radoman’s death heralded numerous clashes in Serbia and Montenegro, but also in Europe, during which more than 50 people were killed, including accidental victims.

As of today, the killers have not been arrested, although, as “Blic” wrote exclusively, some operational data indicates that they are hiding in Shania and other Mediterranean countries.
