An amazing sight appeared during the renovation works of the church! IT WAS BELIEVED HE WOULD BE BURIED


Under the stone slabs of around a century, the tombs of San Zósimo de Tuman appeared before the masters and monks.

The great discovery occurred on Thursday at the Tumane Monastery. While the brothers of the monastery supervised the reorganization works of the church floor, under the stone slabs of about a century, a vault appeared before the masters and monks, and then the rest of the tomb of St. Zosimus of Tuman, miracle worker and patron of the Monastery of Tumane.

– We decided to cover the tomb with glass so that the believers could see the place where Saint Zosimus was buried, due to when they arrived at this place. They come to worship him, to seek and receive blessings. Now you will be able to worship the tomb of the saint, who has brought healing and salvation to many throughout the centuries. We believe it will mean a lot to believers, as it means to us – said the abbot.

They also found a photo of Jakov Tumanski.

Thursday and the renovation of the Tumane Monastery brought another good news. As Abbot Dimitrija Plećević explained, during the disposition of the legacy of one of the older nuns, a photograph of Santiago de Tuman was found, which finally brought to the Christian world the knowledge of what this saint really was like.

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