An agreement was signed on a donation from France of 8.3 million euros for the Belgrade metro


The agreement on the donation of 8.3 million euros to carry out the Belgrade metro project was signed in Belgrade by the French Ambassador, Jean-Louis Falconi, and the Serbian Ministers of Construction and European Integration, Zorana Mihajlović and Jadranka Joksimović.

Ambassador Falconi noted that the Belgrade metro is at the center of economic relations between Serbia and France, and that the signing of the agreement is “an important and concrete stage for this serious and long-term project.”

“France is committed to supporting Serbia in this project. I believe that the French experience in implementing complex projects in the transport sector provides confidence in the success of this important infrastructure project,” said Falconi.

Minister Mihajlović pointed out that this is an important day in the realization of a major infrastructure project, which is estimated to cost between 4.5 and 5.5 billion euros, her ministry announced.

“We are starting to do a feasibility study, conceptual design and environmental impact assessment study. There is no going back. Based on that, we will obtain clear guidelines on what the first subway line will look like and the preparation for the next phase, which it’s the start of construction, “said Mihajlovic. .

Mihajlovic noted that the Belgrade metro will be the largest and most difficult infrastructure project, worth two and a half times the value of the two-billion-euro Belgrade-Budapest high-speed railway currently under construction, such as the largest infrastructure project in this part of Europe.

Mihajlovic said that Serbia did not stop at any time in the preparation of this infrastructure project, and that it was negotiating with the Government of France and with Chinese partners about the implementation.

Minister Joksimović noted that development cooperation with France shows that the country recognizes Serbia as a serious candidate to join the European Union, and that it is important for Serbia to have France as a strategic partner in various infrastructure projects.

Jadranka Joksimović, agreement, France, donation, metro, Zoran RadojičićSource: TANJUG / ZORAN ZESTIC

“We have strategic cooperation with France in many reform processes. This would not have been possible if Serbia had not implemented and does not continue implementing key reforms and today we are a country with which many want to cooperate and invest in Serbia to approach the level of development of The EU”. “Joksimović said.

Belgrade Mayor Zoran Radojicic, who attended the signing of the agreement, said the metro is of capital importance to Belgrade and Serbia.

“By building the metro, we will improve the quality of transportation in our capital. It is estimated that 30 percent of Belgraders will travel on the metro. In this way, we will contribute to preserving the environment and a better quality of life for Belgraders,” he said. Radojicic.
