An activist from the organization “No Name Kitchen”, which helps migrants, was arrested in Shido.


The activist of the organization “No Name Kitchen” was taken tonight to the Shido police station and was released after three hours of questioning. He, who is a Serbian citizen, and two other people, from Spain and Italy, were searched baselessly by the local police and behaved violently towards them, says lawyer Milica Švabić from H1.

He explains that it is not the first time that the activists of this organization have been the target of an attack and that protests have been organized against them for helping the migrants in Shido. Today, he says, they distributed humanitarian aid to the local population.

“After that, they got quite aggressive, they started threatening the guy who is our citizen and who was talking to me on the phone at the time. They started threatening to hang up, not to talk to me. They took his phone and put it on him” . put him in a police car by force, “says Švabić for H1.

After that, they approached the two remaining volunteers, a girl from Spain and a boy from Italy. They forcibly pushed her into a van, began to search him and her, and then began to threaten to arrest them, arrest them. deport, that they have to leave the country, that they will no longer be tolerated here, and so on. One of the policemen even punched a guy from Italy on the head, “he added.

Arrested activist Nemanja Shumanović confirmed to Radio Free Europe (RFE) that he was detained on charges of preventing an official from carrying out his duties.

He explained that he was released from custody tonight around 7.30pm.

According to him, all the activists cooperated and offered no resistance. They invoked their rights, which were explained to them by a lawyer they were talking to on the phone.

Shumanović described the atmosphere towards immigrants in Šid as bad. “I don’t have many nice words, maybe I don’t have any. I’m from this city, the people are bad and it’s always easier to point the finger at others, in this case at migrants,” said the activist from “No Name. Kitchen “.

“No Name Kitchen” is an international humanitarian organization made up of volunteers from various countries. It is registered in Serbia as a non-governmental organization.

Since the beginning of the migration crisis, “No Name Kitchen” has been helping migrants and refugees by preparing meals and providing the basic necessities of life such as clothing, sleeping bags and tents. Recently, the organization has also been helping the local population.

According to Milica Švabić, since the beginning of October, the Interior Ministry has sent solutions to eight activists with a request to leave the country within seven days.

RFE sent an inquiry to the Serbian Interior Ministry, but so far no response has been received.
