Amina found in a pool of blood locked in a hotel room! PHOTO


Amina M. (22), a resident of Novi Pazar, was found dead yesterday in a hotel room in the center of Novi Pazar, and traces of blood were visible next to her body. As we found out, the body was locked in the room for at least three days.

– The body was found by hotel workers. The staff first noticed that the girl did not show up at the reception for three days, nor did she come out, and at the same time, an unpleasant smell began to spread from the room, says a source in the investigation.

hotel room sealed door
hotel room sealed doorphoto: Courier

According to him, Amina M. came to the hotel herself and rented a room. – The staff called the police, and when the patrol arrived, they first tried to open the door with a spare key. However, the room was locked from the inside and the key was in the lock. Then they had to knock on the door. Inside, they found a girl in a pool of blood – says the interlocutor.

The body was sent for an autopsy to determine how the unfortunate girl died.

– A superior prosecutor also came out for an investigation, who ordered an autopsy, and the results were not known until the conclusion of this matter. For now, the girl’s death is a mystery – says the source. According to unofficial research data, it is most likely an overdose.

No one was looking for her

Unreported disappearance Although the girl was dead for at least three days, her disappearance was not reported to the police. – The police will contact his family to talk with them and determine why they were not worried about his disappearance for a few days – says the source.

– It appears that drugs and tablets were found in the room, and the body was allegedly in the room for more than three days. Additionally, injuries to her hands were noted, which may indicate that she judged herself, the source says.

He adds that the police took the deceased girl’s mobile phone, which will be sent for an expert opinion. – It will be determined who you were in contact with and with whom you had the last conversation or exchanged messages. It will also determine whether you sent someone a goodbye message, adds the source.

a dead girl was found in this room
a dead girl was found in this roomphoto: Courier

Although Amina came to the hotel alone, it will be determined whether someone visited her in the room.

– The workers said they did not realize that someone was coming towards her, but considering the circumstances, everything will be investigated – added a source familiar with the case. Z. Šaponjić – J.Ivić

Photography: Kurir, Z.Š.

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Author: delivery courier
