Amfilohije solved everything with love (KURIR TELEVIZIJA)


In the early hours of the morning, the Orthodox world was shocked with the news that the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral, Amfilohije, had died at the age of 82.

The beloved “grandfather”, as many called him out of pity, struggled with the corona virus for a time, but ultimately lost the battle.

Dr. Pavle Kondić, director of the archives of the Metropolitanate de Montenegro y el Litoral, was a monk of the Metropolitan Amfilohije for more than 20 years.

His acquaintance and friendship testify to what a metropolitan man he was.

“I am sad and happy, because as Christians we have no right to sadness and hopelessness, and as a man who was 43 years old with Amfilohije, I was 11 years old when I was a child, he was everything to me, father and mother, and father spiritual, guardian, teacher and breadwinner and protector. I am fatherless and motherless, orphan, you can think how I am, “said Dr. Kondić, adding:

“The ways of the Lord are unexplored. When I went to elementary school, I was a reader, and that’s how I got to the Cathedral, and there I met a young Hieromonk and professor at the Faculty of Theology. He was 11 years old and he has embraced me ever since” .

“The hand of God guides each of us, and from him I felt everything that I did not feel from my father, my mother and my relatives. He solved everything for me with his love,” concluded Dr. Kondić.


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