AMERICA AS A BANANA REPUBLIC: Professor Srđa Trifković from the USA, for “Novosti”, on the elections in America and their consequences


Professor Srdja Trifkovic from the USA says this for “Novosti”, after the vote. That, he says, reminds him of similar “conspiracies” in post-communist regimes, only more brutal. He believes that even in those regimes, one cannot imagine “producing” more than 100,000 votes for the “boss” in the middle of the night, with zero votes for the opposition, as well as “voters” born in the 19th century!

– Unlike Milwaukee and Detroit, even the Pyongyang regime does not get more votes for the “beloved leader” than the North Koreans on the voting list, says Trifković.

For most of the world, he believes, the United States is now reduced to the status of a banana republic.

– The European media, which are mostly controlled by neoliberal globalists, support the conspirators, but the common people know better. As commentators in Belgrade, Kiev, Tbilisi, and other capitals that have experienced color revolutions have been noticing for days, it is ironic that Americans “install” presidents in foreign countries with less difficulty than they legitimately elected their own, notes the interlocutor.

After Biden’s declared victory and Trump’s announcement that he will go to court, Trifković predicts that violence on the streets is almost inevitable. He adds that it will include both sides of the national abyss, this time.

– Regardless of the final result, the legitimacy of the winner has already been violated, both at home and abroad. If Biden prevails and the media treats it as a done deal, even his supporters in power in Paris, Berlin, Brussels or Ottawa and set the tone for the BBC, “Mond”, “Welt”, they know what it’s about. I’m sure. is Trifkovic.

However there is a problem. “Mrs. Secretary” Madeleine Albright exclaimed, “We are America, we are above all, we see further, we are an inevitable nation”, with accompanying remarks such as “the right side of the story”, “Pax Americans”, “leader of the international community”. Trifkovic believes that now he will no longer take it seriously.

– Any attempt to renew the project after the debacle of this year’s elections is doomed to failure. It will be more difficult for the protagonists to continue to pretend that American foreign policy is dedicated to promoting freedom, democracy and human rights, opposing tyranny and evil, and that it is committed to creating a better world and the image of an exceptional nation. America received a fatal blow as the world’s beacon, Trifković concludes.

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