Ambassador of Serbia persona non grata in Montenegro, asked to leave the country


Vladimir Bozovic (archive)

The Montenegrin Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared the Serbian Ambassador to Montenegro, Vladimir Božović, persona non grata and asked him to leave Montenegro.

After a prolonged and continuous interference in the internal affairs of Montenegro, behaviors and statements incompatible with the usual and acceptable standards of performance of diplomatic functions, after several verbal and written warnings about the unacceptability of such behavior, yesterday Ambassador Bozovic called to the illegal and illegitimate 1918 Podgorica Assembly “liberation.” and the “free will” of the Montenegrin people, who once again, in the most direct way, disparaged the state that gave them diplomatic hospitality, “the ministry said in a statement. . transmits RTCG.

Thus, as they say, it also humiliated the highest legislative and representative body – the Parliament of Montenegro, which on November 29, 2018 adopted the Resolution of nullity of decisions of the Parliament of Podgorica, which abolished the former sovereignty of Montenegro, its territory annexed to the Kingdom of Serbia and forcibly dethroned King Nikola Petrović Njegoš.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia about this in the usual way, with a note, and the note will be delivered to Ambassador Božović,” he concludes.
