He was supposedly born on January 27, 1972 and was never registered in the Serbian Citizens’ Book, so he cannot exercise any rights. He lives in great poverty, his health is seriously affected and he can barely move, but he works in the village to earn a living.
Ivica is neither a refugee nor a displaced person, he spent his entire life in Zaplanjska Toponica, where he was born. On that cold January night when he was born, he miraculously survived, so no one cared to put the child in the registry. He had a father and a mother, but neighbors testify about his difficult childhood full of violence. As a result of such growth, he was never cured of a spinal injury, which is now taking him out of the way. You have difficulty moving, so you can only work standing or kneeling. Since his daughter got married, he has been living alone without electricity in inhumane conditions.
– I don’t know how they enrolled me in school. I did not become famous as a student. I think I repeated first grade four times, so you can count I have four grades in elementary school – this man is full of spirit when life hasn’t spoiled him.
He was even invited to Raska in 1992 to serve his homeland, where he spent 39 days. When he tried to register in the registry books, at least on the basis of a military identification, he received a negative response. It’s not even on the voter rolls …
– Laugh and sing, even when it costs you more because life is like that, it doesn’t always give you many opportunities. I have nowhere to go and I have nothing better. And I would like to have water, electricity, safe bread. Thank God I have friends who help me and I am ashamed of not being able to pay them – says this benefactor.

Photo by D. Alihodzic
When he is not paid, he says he is cooking something for himself.
– I will not starve, but it is a question of when I will remain immobile, and that is already a problem – Ivica is aware of the situation. – I cannot regret not having a personal identification number, so I did not receive aid of 100 euros from the state. But I think that if he knew about my problem, President Vučić would help me.
Everyone in town appreciates it.
– If anyone deserves to be helped, it is Ivica, because of the thirty gypsy families in the town, only he is really in danger. The rest receive food packages and social assistance, and he cannot achieve anything without the famous JMBG, say neighbors Jovica Stojanović and Ljubiša Cvetković. – If we need to sign somewhere and testify that it is our Ivica, here we are ready, and the whole town is ready to do it.

Photo by D. Alihodzic
THE PRESIDENT of the Gadžin Han Municipal Assembly, Marija Cvetković, who lives in the same village, says that she recently learned that Ivica does not have a JMBG and that she will do everything possible to solve that problem.
– There is a way for Ivica to register her birth certificate and get an identification card, and I think that will happen soon – says Cvetković.
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