AMAZING SCENE ON KNEZ MIHAILOVA STREET! The journalist from Kurir TV LIVE played the trumpeters on the show!


The largest number of belgraders welcomed the year 2021 into their homes, but there were also those who met in the Republic Square at midnight, where they accompanied 2020 with street trumpeters.

Due to the corona virus epidemic, this year the traditional New Year’s Eve was not organized in front of the House of the National Assembly, but the festive atmosphere was contributed by the blazing fireworks fired from various locations.

The streets of the city center were deserted, except for Knez Mihailova, where street trumpeters entertained mostly young passers-by.

Kurir’s television crew noticed a joyful atmosphere on that street even today, thanks to the great trumpeters in the mood, with whom our reporter also played.


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