AMAZING! After taking the bend in the road near Ivanjica, the works stopped! See what the SERBIAN BUILDERS found (PHOTO)


During the excavation works of the Pridvorica – Devići road, the builders unexpectedly found the cave, and those who had the opportunity to enter it testify that it is 12 to 15 meters long and the end is built, so there is a possibility that go deeper.

The cave was found during the blasting to correct the curve, and experts say it was excavated by human hands.

photo: RINA

By the way, the construction of this road was personally ordered by the president of the state. Rehabilitation of the road began last fall, but due to the current epidemiological situation, it was suspended.

The local road was built in 1991 and since then no major investments have been made, so it is in poor condition. It is nine kilometers long and connects some 600 residents of this area with the main Usce – Ivanjica highway.

photo: RINA

Up to 100 vehicles pass through there daily and up to 500 trucks a year, further destroying this road. The entire project is worth more than 250 million dinars.

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
