Although the brave boys managed to save her from the fire, the girl failed to cope with SEVERE BURNS


Minja Draganić (15), who was rescued from a burning apartment in Dorćol in Belgrade on October 27, died in hospital on Wednesday.

Minja had burns on about 50 percent of her body, so her skin was transplanted from a donor, but unfortunately, after a month of fighting, she was unable to win the battle for life.

– She was treated at the Clinic for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and was recently transferred to Tirsovo. He had a series of surgeries. With six donors, his skin was transplanted and work was done on obtaining artificial skin from Belgium – says the source and continues: – He was gradually recovering, although he had extremely serious injuries and several operations. Unfortunately, his condition suddenly worsened yesterday morning and he passed away.

Ognjen donated the skin to Minja
Ognjen donated the skin to Minjaphoto: Printscrreen’s Twitter

Ognjen Todorovic, a family friend who donated fur to Minja, told Kurir that he couldn’t believe what had happened.

The Shattered Mine Rescuers

Pavle Gavura, one of the painters who saved Minja, was crushed yesterday. – We hoped that he would recover, that everything would go well. His mother told me the day before that his condition had worsened, because there was an infection, I guess the skin was not received. I don’t want statements anymore – Gavura said. Nemanja Držaić, who was also involved in the rescue operation, said goodbye to Minja with a message on Instagram. “Little angels, rest in peace,” he wrote with a broken heart.

– I’m still in bandages and she’s gone. I loved her like a sister, now nothing hurts me anymore. A part of me is gone – says the surprised young man and continues: – Minja was operated on three times, she was recovering, she even started sitting and talking, she laughed. However, the condition worsened, she was put back to sleep and placed in intensive care. His wounds became infected.

Let us remind you, Minja Draganić was burned on the day of the celebration, Good Friday. They left her alone in the apartment and went to the bathroom, when the cat allegedly knocked over the celebratory candle, which was on the table. The candle lit the table and the flame soon spread throughout the apartment. Fleeing the elements, Minja ran to the 10th floor terrace and called for help.

the workers pulled the girl out of the flames
the workers pulled the girl out of the flamesPhoto: Print Screen Messenger

– Workers who were painting the facade of a nearby building heard it. The five entered the building without thinking and rescued Minja from the terrace of the ninth floor with the help of a rope, who jumped into his arms – recalls the interlocutor and adds that the footage of rescuing the girl from the flames traveled through Serbia, and the movement of brave painters amazed everyone. J.Ivić- J.Rafailović

Photo: Courier, twitter, printsrceen instagram

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Author: delivery courier
