Almost half of Belgraders are NOT AFRAID of the crown, and a quarter do not wear a mask


A survey conducted in September revealed that 41.5 percent of those surveyed in Belgrade were not worried about being infected with kovid, 13.1 percent said they thought “the situation is not as serious as it seems” and 68 , 6 percent said they are wearing masks and respecting a distance of two meters.

The survey is part of a study conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in collaboration with the Belgrade Institute of Economics and the Institute of Epidemiology at the Belgrade School of Medicine.

For the purposes of this research, in September of this year, in the population of Belgrade, a study was conducted with the objective of examining attitudes and behaviors related to the protection and perception of the risk of infection by covid-19, in 804 respondents.

Dr Tatjana Pekmezović from the Faculty of Medicine (Institute of Epidemiology) said the analysis showed that this type of research is necessary as part of a communication strategy, which is also the basic principle of crisis management.

The goal of this mini-study, he says, was to examine risk perception, to examine attitudes and behavior related to protection and perception of risk of COVID-19 infection, Dr. Pekmezović told Tanjug.

At the time of the survey (804 respondents), 41 percent of those surveyed were not concerned that they might get infected, and 13.1 percent thought the situation was not as serious as it appears, Pekmezovic said.

He added that despite calls that wearing a mask is a key preventive measure, only 68.6 percent of those surveyed said they respected that measure, in addition to maintaining a distance of two meters.

He stated that risk perception must be examined to see how the population thinks and behaves, and that further action must be taken accordingly.

The fundamentals of a successful communication strategy include transparency of the reasons for the introduction of measures, explanation of the limitations of science and decision makers, consistency of measures with the epidemiological situation, coordination to avoid contradictory messages experts, officials and health workers, and predictability. restriction.

Regarding the age distribution, the greatest differences in the responses were registered between the two age limit groups, the youngest and the oldest.

The current situation regarding the transmission of covid-19 poses a serious threat to public health due to a significant increase in the number of infected, especially among the younger population, it was said today at the presentation of the study.

The upcoming winter period poses additional risks and requires a more intense fight against the spread of the infection, experts warn.

In addition to providing adequate testing capacity, the identification of sensitive sites and populations represents the next important step in preparing a public health response to the new wave epidemic.

On the basis of existing trends, special attention should be paid to three groups: adults and under 50s, vulnerable groups to health, health workers.

Other steps in the next period should go in the direction of increasing testing capacity, strengthening epidemiological surveillance and strengthening the capacity of the health system, it was said at the online conference.


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