All trace of him has been lost since Arandjelovdan joined Interpol, and the sister suspects that he was KIDNAPPED! (PHOTO)



12.22.2020. 20:09

Novi Sad chef Milorad Vlaović (39), who mysteriously disappeared on 21 November from the riverboat “Primadona” in Linz, Austria, was reportedly seen in the Styrian city.

Milorad Vlaović

Milorad Vlaović, Photo: Printscreen

Milorad Vlaović was last seen on 21 November on a ship in Austria, where he was working, and all trace of him has since been lost. An interpol warrant has been issued and the police have been searching for a Serb from Novi Sad for exactly one month. Recently, information emerged that he was seen in the Austrian city of Styria.

– Last night we received information that he was seen in the city of Styria the night before and the man who saw him told the police that he was in a disoriented state, they were looking for him last night, but they did not find him, says Milorad’s sister, Marija. information and suspect that he was kidnapped and asks for help from all

– I don’t have specific information, I’m waiting for someone to tell me something. He was reportedly seen in Styria on Saturday. The man who saw him reported everything yesterday to the police, and now they are looking for him in that area – his wife Zeljka Vlaovic told, who is anxiously awaiting any information about her husband.

Milorad Vlaović

Milorad Vlaović, Photo: Printscreen

The group “Balkans in Linz and its surroundings” has been publishing his photos since yesterday and appeals to people if they see him to report it to the police.

– People please! If anyone has a search, please let me know. He is suspected of being insane. Who knows what happened to him. Here’s how … All Styrians are asked to help in the search for the missing chef from the ship “Primadona”. I have just received information that a man was seen last night in Styria, who 99 percent corresponds to the description of Milorad Vlaović. If you see it, report it to the police immediately. According to all the information, the man is probably crazy, it is said in the group.

Let us remind you that Vlaović has been working on a riverboat for years as a cook. As his wife said earlier, he used to work on the ship from April to the end of the year, spending the period from January to April at his home in Novi Sad. This year, due to the virus, it was different, so the ship was anchored in Linz, and Vlaović stayed to work with another colleague.

Fatal evenings gathered to celebrate Arandjelovdan, the glory of one of the colleagues. As his colleagues said, he did not drink much.

– Around nine thirty at night, he told them to go to sleep because he was tired. Nobody knows what happened then – Željka told the media.

It is suspected that he slipped and fell into the river, however, his body was not found. So far, there is only speculation about what may have happened to him.
