All this will take less time than we think, if we protect ourselves, obtaining it is “free”


Milanko Šekler stated as a guest on the Belgrade Chronicle that if one person is infected and the other is not, and they hug, it can be inconvenient.

“It is important that we all understand that we do not get infected every time we come in contact with a virus. If that amount of virus is very small, we do not get sick at all. It is called infection. Infection is when you get infected and it depends on the amount of virus entering the body in a short period of time, “Shekler emphasized.

That, he says, depends on the mask.

“The microdroplets that we throw through the mouth, the largest ones fall up to 0.8 meters and the smallest to more than two, three meters. The mask protects effectively from these microdroplets, but not from the virus, because it does not serve that purpose. “The drops that we throw now do not reach the other person. If I wear a mask and you do not, there is an 80 percent chance that it will protect you, and if both people have a mask, the probability of getting infected is one in 100, “Shekler said.

Viruses make mistakes

If we put the mask on and take it off, it is better, he indicates, not to put it on again.

“Throw away the mask after use, without touching the outside, because it can get infected, throw it away and use another when you need it again,” says Shekler.

He points out that RNA viruses can’t do anything smarter than change.

“They make mistakes. When a virus enters a cell, it has to have several thousand descendants. Each descendant differs by a couple of letters, two, three. We can read that book of two or three letter errors. When that’s the situation, we do nothing. ” we do not realize, that virus is multiplying and it is still understandable. When you skip some letters somewhere in an awkward place, like just happened, one part and you can’t read. We are talking about protein synthesis. There is information on how to virus. make yourself. An instruction on how to make yourself, “says Shekler.

According to him, if there is an error in that instruction, it makes some part a little different than it was.

“That part is important to protect it. The vaccine stimulates the production of our protection that should neutralize that place. If you changed that place by mistake, then our antibodies may not recognize that place, so a new strain is produced, where for example not the vaccine can protect us, “Shekler said.

Each of the tests uses three genes

When asked if the vaccine also covers a new strain of the virus, he claims that very little time has passed to say for sure.

“There is very little chance that this vaccine will work worse. I’m sure it can’t work. It may be less effective to some extent, just as effective, but it may also be more effective,” Shekler said.

Point out that this will end faster than we think.

According to him, the PC tests are absolutely valid.

“Each of these tests uses at least three genes, looks for three sites in the virus, and needs one to be positive. You have three chances to diagnose for sure. If it doesn’t capture exactly one gene, as it did in England, when one site is negative , and two genes are positive they know the mutant form. Of course the test has three tests, you can’t miss it. You’re practically doing three tests for a sample. When the mutated form is in question in England, they found that there are always two genes positive, and one is not because it has been changed, so the diagnostic tool does not work perfectly, but two reserves are still working, “says Shekler.

Vaccination: a match at the end of the tunnel

The same thing happens, he says, for a vaccine, it does not produce antibodies for one, but for several places.

“This place was changed once. And if that one does not work perfectly, it will have other antibodies to protect. The efficiency may not be 92 percent, but 83 percent, and that does not change the essence of things,” Shekler explains .

When asked how important it is that vaccination has started in Serbia, he says that there is now a lit match at the end of the tunnel.

“And this small step is important. It is a great thing that vaccination has started. It is a great thing to form the logistics for vaccination. Vaccinate 300, 400 or 500,000, which is expected in January, is not a small job. About all if we take into account that our system has considered the ‘Pfizer’ vaccine in detail, so it is known that there is a slightly higher probability of possible allergies, so everyone will have to wait until half an hour after applying the vaccine, but there is always therapy for ‘God forbid,’ “says Shekler.

Attitude towards the virus: a philosophical attitude towards nothing

He affirms that we all have to take off the crown and that the vaccine will not solve everything, it is not a magic wand.

“The second option is to get infected, overcome everything, so that we are protected. The solution is in the middle, some get sick, others get vaccinated. It is not normal to let the population over 65 get infected, and you know that “Ten percent will die. It is normal that you have to vaccinate these people more,” Shekler added.

He points out that it is normal to vaccinate healthcare workers who have prolonged exposure to the concentration of the virus because they go to patients.

“It is logical that you have to protect them. The priority is health workers, and higher categories. Others, it is not bad to be infected. You do not die if you protect yourself. If you do everything possible not to be infected, the infection is free. Why not a high concentration of the virus to infect is going to come in, ”Shekler said.

Corona, he adds, is an interesting virus and has been around for a long time. He points out that he is not afraid of him.

“You get used to it, you work with something you don’t see. And you spend your whole life proving that there is something you don’t see. It’s a bit of a philosophical attitude towards nothingness. I’m sure it will end faster than you think,” Shekler concluded .
