ALL THE PEOPLE ARE CALLING FOR THE GILLET! DID YOU TAKE YOUR LIFE BY GREEN PEOPLE? The singer left a letter to the family, the neighbors discovered shocking details


ALL THE PEOPLE CRY FOR THE GILLET!  DID YOU TAKE YOUR LIFE BY GREEN PEOPLE?  The singer left a letter to the family, the neighbors discovered shocking details

Photo: Printscreen / Youtube

Dragisa Mitic Gile committed suicide two days ago, in his hometown of Knićanin, near Titel. Gile allegedly raised his hand against himself over debts, leaving behind a wife and two children.

He was found hanged, in an old and abandoned house where his parents lived, by his own brother, says the source.

“No one can believe that Gileta no longer exists. The whole town is crying for him. And not only is this ours, but also all the neighbors. If you go from house to house in order, you will not meet any host who did not know him and We are that his brother found him hanged in the house of his parents who are no longer alive, “said one of the neighbors of the village where Gile lived, and then continued:

photo: print screen

“He was a favorite singer at all the town festivities. Literally, you couldn’t imagine any celebration without his song. He sang at almost every wedding that took place in this area.”

As he says, everyone will remember him as a happy, good and honest man.

“Gile committed suicide out of debt. He owed the Greens money. The interest rate was growing day by day, and he had no income. He did not work anywhere due to the coronavirus, and his wife lost her job for the same reasons.” said a source close to the family. According to him, the wife of the unfortunate singer is dedicated to decorating the space for the celebrations, and since they were also canceled due to the pandemic, she was left without means of subsistence. Gile, otherwise the father of two sons, one of whom has just finished high school, allegedly borrowed money from the Greens, because he couldn’t borrow money from the bank, as unemployed.

Gile allegedly left a farewell letter to his family in which he wrote everything he didn’t have the strength to say in his eyes. He explained his action and decision, and asked for forgiveness.


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