
And not only that, there are also those who ask the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering, as well as the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office, to have fun with the way the Djilas brothers acquire wealth.

Following the writings of some media, but also the assertion of the SNS deputy Sandra Bozic, that Gojko Djilas, brother of the SAA president, unknown to the public, owns at least 28 luxury properties in the most elite areas of Belgrade , makes an appeal to the competent institutions to initiate investigations. .

Among them is Vladimir Orlić, a member of the SNS Presidency, who accused Đilas of trying to divert attention from the fabulous property that he and his brother own, claiming that they were trying to equate Aleksandar Vučić’s brother, Andrej, with to his brother Gojko:

– He can never be the same honest man, which certainly is Aleksandar Vučić’s brother, with a tycoon who goes by the surname Đilas. Just as an apartment that Vučić’s brother bought on credit, in Swiss francs, and paid for it fairly for years with all the problems that happened to anyone who entered that type of loan, can never be equal to a property in the very center of Belgrade. , owned by Djilas’ brother, Gojko, with a total area of ​​1,700 square meters. And counting only what has been discovered so far.

The group head of the SNS committee in the Belgrade Assembly, Aleksandar Mirković, also asks the competent state bodies to examine the property of Gojko propiedadilas and how he acquired it:

– Numerous questions arise here, and the main thing is how you came to so many squares and apartments in the elite parts of Belgrade. How is it possible for a man to acquire up to five apartments in a building on Velisava Vujovića street of 127 square meters each, from where he gets an apartment in Jevrem Grujić of up to 160 square meters or in Svetozara Markovića street of 105 square meters? As citizens lost their jobs, factories closed and the country collapsed, the only ones who did well during the DS regime were obviously the Djilas brothers, who took advantage of that period to become millionaires. There are no richer people in this part of Europe than this “duo”.


ACCORDING to available data, the association “Multikom”, which individuals associate with the purchase of numerous properties, was founded by Dragan and Gojko Djilas in November 2007, along with several other associates. According to the decision on the establishment, the purpose of the association is to organize humanitarian actions and help refugees and displaced people. In March 2016 they decided to close the association, because, as they stated, it has not worked since 2014 and “it has no funds in the account.

The political analyst and director of the Center for Socially Responsible Media, Marko Matic, on the other hand, asks if the purchase of 28 apartments has something to do with the association founded by Gojko and Dragan Djilas – “Multicom”, which was supposed to take care of refugees and displaced people. faces. According to Matic, the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office should react:

– While taking care of displaced people and refugees, Gojko Djilas acquired 28 apartments. Where did you put those people? Is that a way to get rich? Maybe he made them apartments, so he put them in his name? How many refugees live in these apartments? This is the case of the Special Prosecutor for Organized Crime – Matic pointed out for TV Pink.

Mario Spasic, general secretary of the Council for the Monitoring, Human Rights and Fight against Corruption “Transparencia”, says to “Novosti” that in the case of the property of the Djilas brothers there is a serious suspicion that it is a criminal act of money laundering:

– This is an issue that must be examined by both the competent Prosecutor’s Office and the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering. Where did a politician and his family get so much property and how were they acquired? Is it an exchange of influence and an abuse of state positions held by Dragan Djilas, and the illegally acquired property is fictitiously transferred to Gojko’s brother? These are questions to which we must get an answer because we have a well-founded suspicion that this is a political crime of unimaginable proportions.


Dragan Đilas also made an announcement, claiming that it is not true that his brother Gojko sold a luxury villa in Dedinje to the director of “Krušik”, below the market price. The SAA leader said on Twitter, among other things, that his brother owns two properties, that he does not have an administrative role in any company that owns real estate, and that he did not open or own any company in the tax haven of Delaware. , In the USA.

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