ALL THE CROWN MEASURES IN ONE PLACE What you need, and what are only recommendations, when the PUNISHMENT begins, where everything is an emergency situation, and where the cafes work ONLY UNTIL 9 PM


Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic in our country, the epidemiological measures that have not been abolished are related to the use of a protective mask, as well as the maintenance of social distance. However, as the epidemiological situation changes, so do measures aimed at preventing further spread of the virus.

Since not all parts of the country have the same situation when it comes to those infected with the corona virus, not all measures are the same.

What is common for each municipality are the first and basic protection measures against the coronavirus, and that is the mandatory use of a mask and respect for a physical distance of at least 1.5 meters.

Masks: an obligation and a recommendation

Wearing a protective mask is mandatory indoors, while outdoors it is still a recommendation. However, since the Parliament of Serbia received amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases in order to enable fines for violating the measures, this recommendation could become an obligation, because in this way it will be possible to implement it and control it.

Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon also spoke about the legal issue due to which it is not possible to wear a mask outdoors.

– We are united in the fact that they should be mandatory on sight. We talked mainly about pedestrian zones and that was accepted. When I say that we are more afraid of punishment than death, it applies to both citizens and government. It applies to everyone. If we are not able to introduce a measure, that is not a question for me, that sounds scary, but it is true – he said previously as a guest on TV Prva.

Therefore, masks are still only a recommendation outdoors, while wearing them indoors is a must.

Where can we not do without a mask?

The mandatory use of a mask is implicit in any enclosed space. Therefore, without a mask, you cannot enter public transport, a store, a pharmacy, a cinema, a bakery, a gambling shop, a beauty salon, and all other facilities and institutions.

In cafes and restaurants It is not mandatory to wear a mask while sitting at a table, but when entering and leaving, or when going to the bathroom, you are required to wear a mask.

In addition, the catering facilities must have the so-called. “kovid redare” whose function is to control compliance with the measures.

So what should have become a daily habit for us a long time ago is that we don’t go anywhere without a mask.

Hours of work: the most commonly violated measure

A month ago, the Government of Serbia, on the recommendation of crisis personnel, adopted an amended decree on measures for the prevention and suppression of the coronavirus, which allowed the working hours of the catering facilities until 11 at night.

It was actually a tightening of existing measures because some facilities, which have gardens, could operate up to an hour after midnight.

In addition to the control of catering facilities, from cafes and restaurants to clubs, the control is also carried out in the shops, as well as in all other places. The exceptions are pharmacies and gas stations, which can remain open after 11 pm

The profession constantly calls for more rigorous control because this measure is violated more often, and many clubs and cafes look for different ways to extend the working day, without thinking about how many lives are in danger.

The limited working hours until 11 at night is not a measure that applies to the entire territory of Serbia, but there are differences in some municipalities where the epidemiological situation is worse, and therefore this measure is more rigorous.

Where are working hours shortened?

In some municipalities, where there is an emergency situation, the City Crisis Personnel for the fight against the coronavirus has made the decision at the local level to shorten the working hours of the catering facilities to 9:00 p.m.

Photo: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

Therefore, cafes, restaurants and clubs in Kragujevac, Valjevo, Trstenik and Aleksandrovac can receive guests, that is, work only until 9 pm.

In addition to the local working hours, another measure that differs from one municipality to another is the prohibition of meetings.

From 30 people to only 5, but …

Based on the previous decision of the Government in the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia, in closed public places and in the open air, it is prohibited to gather more than 30 people at the same time, but due to the worsening of the epidemiological situation, this decision received a new change proposal on Friday.

– We have decided to reduce the number of people who can meet indoors and outdoors, which has so far been limited to 30 and now has been reduced to 5 people – said Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

He also stated that this is not a recommendation but an obligation that will be legally regulated.

– The prohibition refers to meetings at public events, which refers to celebrations, congresses and seminars. They refer to organized meetings. It does not refer to the school and work environment, emphasized Dr. Kisić Tepavčević.

Even if this decision was officially announced after yesterday’s crisis staff session, some municipalities have limited the number of meetings even earlier.

Thus, the authorities of the municipalities of Valjevo, Trstenik and Kladovo, faced with the worsening of the epidemiological situation, made the decision even before prohibiting the gathering of more than five people indoors and outdoors.

So the decision to ban gatherings of up to five people first refers to organized gatherings, and Dr. Kisić, speaking about public transport, explained that we must influence each other.

Cinemas and theaters remain unchanged

Regarding the institutions of cultural manifestations, a limit of up to 500 people has been maintained for cinemas and theaters, but with the prescribed measures.

– That turned out to be good. We know how to sit, how to wear a mask. We saw how neighboring countries were doing it and we copied it – said Kisić, adding that the measures depend exclusively on us.


We remind you that another decision that was made yesterday is that, in addition to the founders, the high school students will also go on a mini vacation on November 11, 12 and 13.

Photo: RAS Serbia

– Originally, it was decided only for elementary schools, and we also decided on secondary schools to match these mini holidays. That also means for the area of ​​central Serbia and Vojvodina – stated Dr. Kisić Tepavčević.

Emergency situation in 11 municipalities

The emergency situation in Serbia is due to the corona virus in force in 11 cities, that is, municipalities, namely Kragujevac, Rekovac, Trstenik, Aleksandrovac, Novi Pazar, Valjevo, Bor, Prokuplje, Belgrade, Dimitrovgrad and Kladovo.

Belgrade has not abolished the state of emergency since July 3, when it was introduced due to a large number of new cases during the second wave of the crown, while other municipalities, according to the epidemiological picture, abolished or introduced the state of emergency.

You can read more about the measures in which municipalities are implemented in this link.

How will violations of the measures be punished?

To enable strict fines for violating the measures, amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases are needed, and as “Blic” already wrote, they reached the Serbian Assembly.

– The law reached the assembly with an urgent procedure. The session will be immediately after the budget rebalancing, most likely on Friday November 13, said the President of the Assembly, Ivica Dačić, in favor of “Blic”.

This practically means that when the law is approved, eight days after its publication in the Official Gazette, a mandatory fine could begin.

Photo: Vlada Šporčić / RAS Serbia

The changes, by the way, contemplate the introduction of personal protection measures and greater responsibility of citizens, whose implementation, in addition to health, is in charge of the communal inspection and the communal militia, both for natural and legal persons.

The amount of fines for not wearing masks indoors and for not respecting physical distance will remain unchanged at 5,000 dinars for individuals and 50,000 to 300,000 for legal entities, but their application will be faster and more efficient.

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