All of Serbia shares pictures of the wedding! After the GIFT of the best man, the groom played, and THE BRIDE CATCHED HIM HEAD (VIDEO)


The wedding video is shared by all of Serbia. Some laugh and others ask if this is possible.

Read more: “While we were changing position, I swung my legs hard, leaned back and then something BREAKING!”

That is to say, it is about the fact that the best man gave the newlyweds as a wedding gift, no less, no more, than a water heater.

She carried the gift on her shoulder, and while she danced she wrote it in front of the newlyweds who were apparently surprised: the groom laughed and the young woman grabbed his head.

The best man continued playing, the groom “playing” in the boiler, and the bride continued as usual.

Read more: “On what planet does this disgusting woman live?”: A young PUBLIC humiliated a guest for the GIFT she received

Certainly a nice situation, the godfather was reprimanded, and the comments below the post were:

– Stainless steel cauldron, 80 liters, man knows …

– But the godfather showed up, bought a water heater for 15,000 cans, if that’s how much …

– Just for someone to play in the boiler and voila!

