All of Serbia has been talking about the boy from the “Chase” contest since last night, Milica did not know what happened.


On last night’s episode of the “Chase” quiz, the contestants not only beat the seeker, but also set a record on the quiz. First, they made 900 thousand dinars, and then they managed to keep it in their coffers, writes RTS.

As for the amount of money earned, Stefan and Slobodan are most deserving of breaking the record because they were brave to go for more money and thus risk being “caught” by the seeker as they were only one step ahead of him.

Stefan Kukolj accepted an amount greater than half a million dinars and deposited it in the cash register. He is only 18 years old and this is his first participation in a quiz, although he likes to play them online as a hobby.

Slobodan Obućina, accepted an amount greater than 300 thousand dinars and deposited it in the cash register. He is Ivanjica’s anesthesiologist, he works at Gornji Milanovac hospital. His hobby is long-distance swimming and this was his first contest participation.

Potter testPhoto: screenshot

Potter quiz

Mira Malić, future lawyer from Pancevo, and Ivan Manić, teacher from Valjevo, were with them in this excellent team.

Stefan Kukolj, a guest on the morning show, admits that he waited until he turned 18 and finished high school to apply to participate in the “Chase” quiz.

– Many may call that knowledge unnecessary, but I have always liked to remember some facts and it is true that viewing the questionnaires helps a lot, but also the Internet – says Stefan.

He admits that confronting the tracker was not a problem for him because he knew that if he knew the answer, it didn’t matter who the tracker was.

Dr. Obućina points out that after the first game was played poorly, he immediately decided to go for a larger amount.

Potter quizPhoto: screenshot

Potter quiz

Relatives, friends, acquaintances, everyone was delighted with their success and came to congratulate them. The winners have not yet decided how they will spend the money earned

Mira Malić claims that she came into the contest without any expectations, and until the last moment she didn’t think she could beat the seeker.

– When the camera was turned on, nervousness ‘ate’ me completely. And since I was very sorry I made a mistake with Santorini, I joked that I would spend the money traveling there – adds Mira.

Ivan Manić’s daughter requested to participate in the questionnaire. She believes that the team spirit that prevailed between them is responsible for this success

Potter testPhoto: screenshot

Potter quiz

– No matter how big Milica is, and she’s great, she didn’t have a chance against a team like this – says Ivan.

However, they all admit that Stefan’s presence gave them more self-confidence because, as they all claim, his knowledge impressed them.

– Youth groups like Stefan should be an example. Since I have been working in school, I would like to see more young people. And another thing, women. They should apply more and more to the tests because they are smart and educated, and it is not good that there are fewer of them than men in the tests, Ivan thinks.
