All mothers should hear this: Lidija Vukićević spoke crying for the first time about the most intimate things!



12.22.2020. 11:10

The Serbian actress shared things she had never talked about before.

Lidija Vukićević

Lidija Vukicevic, Photo:

For the first time since the beginning of his career, he cried during an interview.

He also spoke about his two sons, Andrej and David, who are considered great seducers and boys on the spot, and his words found great reactions from women.

As they point out, they completely agree with what the actress expressed, while those who are still girls and are not mothers say “Every part of her!” And that many mothers have not taught their children how to behave with him. fair sex.

“Let all mothers listen to this”, “This is the only right thing, I am sick of mothers / mothers-in-law for whom no woman is good for their child”, “Bravo, Lydia, that’s a healthy attitude”, “We live in a time when it is very common for one night, but that does not mean that you should not be a snob and that night “, are some of the many comments on social networks.

What did Lydia say about raising her children and attitude towards women, even one night stands?

– You have to start doing that in time, so that you can now enjoy your choice, the environment. You can’t raise boys when they start finding girls, when they start finding company. It’s late. The child is raised the moment you receive it, when you bring it home from the maternity hospital. Trust me. I speak absolutely from my own experience. My son David, when he was a baby, when you turn off the light he starts crying, when you turn it on he stops. I’m nice in the diaper, a little, like this, shut up, you can’t cry. Trust me, I turn off the light, it doesn’t cry. You need to develop that communication from the baby.

– Second, I am not the mother who was stingy to dedicate herself to children. My mom used to say “You drag them around like chickens.” And it’s true, I dragged my children everywhere and they were always with me. Even after the investigation, I never went out for 10 years, my old neighborhood knows. I have dedicated myself to children, from their birth, to having a vision and knowing what you can expect from them. Now, something can always happen, of course it exists, they can be led by society, this or that. But therefore he is a supervisor for life. Without imposition!

– For male children, the mother should not be someone who is imposed, because by nature and that biology of a man, they do not like to be adored, and less a woman. You have to let the men go, you can’t yell at them every day. This applies to both the husband and the male children. I’m talking about male children, because I have male children. I have always been present in their lives and they know 20 percent of it. I managed to get everything out of them that was crucial to their growth. I tell them, I’m here, I’m watching a movie, if I need a conversation, I’m here. They say “No, no, you don’t have to.” So that, after half an hour, they would come down and start talking, like this and like this I would like to get involved like this … In the end, we stayed until six in the morning, maybe not with that girl, but with women in general.

– I never told my children “that girl is like that and like that.” No! I talked about women in general, because I know how to talk about women and I know what they like and what they don’t like. In principle, globally, so that it is presented to them. The first thing I taught them, they had already started with some girls, and that was very important to me, with a girl if you stay one night, if you found her in a disco, either here or there, you have to take her home. and pay for a taxi. You can’t leave her after that. And she is someone’s daughter. I always taught them not to be selfish, those men “I am this, that”. No. As much as I am a father, so is someone else’s father. I respect my children, but I also respect others. Every mother loves her child more, but she should not be sick and love only her children and not understand other children. I always knew that he understood his friends, girls in love … He has the right to fall in love, why does he irritate you? You do not have to be with her, but I have always taught them: be such men that all women love you, for your manners, for your gestures, let them remember you forever, for being boys, real men, protectors.

Darko Lazić fiercely scolded everyone who insulted him, and after this message, everything will be clear to them!
