All measures remain in effect until further notice! He also explained what vaccine the children were given


CRISIS STAFF FINISHED Dr. Kon: All measures will remain in effect until further notice!  He also explained what vaccine the children were given

Photo: Printscreen Kurir Tv

BELGRADE – Current measures remain in effect until further notice, epidemiologist Predrag Kon announced today after the crisis staff session.

Kon told reporters that the epidemiological situation and measures were discussed in the session, and vaccination is now the main topic, which will be the focus of future meetings.

The epidemiological situation, Kon notes, is still considered unfavorable.

– We will meet in the future, mainly for vaccination and monitoring of possible problems in that area, to help if necessary, he said, emphasizing that the most important thing for all of Serbia is to carry out mass immunization as soon as possible.

He noted that additional quantities of vaccines are expected for both Sputnik V and Pfizer-Biontek, and that there are expectations related to the Astra Zeneca vaccine. Evaluating the information about the start of mass immunization, Kon said it was encouraging.

What vaccine can be given to children

When asked which vaccine could be given to children, Kon said that as far as he knew from the data obtained from ALIMS, the Chinese vaccine was for three-year-olds, while Pfizer could not be given to children under 16 years of age. and Sputnik is for people over 18 years old.

Let us remind you, the Crisis Staff session for corona virus suppression, in which the current epidemiological situation was discussed, started around 2 pm in the Palace of Serbia.

On the eve of the Crisis Staff session, epidemiologist Dr. Branislav Tiodorović told Blic that epidemiologically it is not the time to relax the measures for a while, until we are really sure that the downward path is stable and the number of patients and the situation in health institutions is good.

In recent days, a smaller number of crowns recently infected with the virus has been registered in Serbia, but that number remains high, in four digits, so the authorities indicate that there should be no relaxation.

Earlier today, Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said that a new strain of the corona virus, which was registered in neighboring Hungary, will be discussed at the session.

By the way, today the mass vaccination of the population began, and in Belgrade, citizens can be vaccinated at 18 points, including the point of the Belgrade Fair, where members of the army and police receive the vaccines.


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