All citizens coming from Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina will be UNDER SUPERVISION, they must contact a doctor within 24 hours, the decision will take effect on FRIDAY FROM 6 pm


All citizens of Serbia returning from abroad, mainly from countries where there has been an “explosion” of coronavirus such as Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, should contact an epidemiologist or doctor of their choice within 24 hours after entering the country. , “Blic” finds out.

This decision will take effect on Friday, September 18 at 6:00 pm, so that all our citizens who spend their summers abroad have time to return to Serbia.

– What is very important is that all the countries of the region registered an increase in new infections. Montenegro ranks third, and Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina are on that list. In our country, the situation is much more favorable. On this occasion, we call on all our citizens who are in those countries to return to Serbia before Friday. As of Friday at 6 p.m., surveillance will be implemented for all passengers entering from these countries to reduce the risk. We call on all citizens to return to their country because after that we will have a different regime – noted Dr. Kisić Tepavčević.

He noted that the 10-day supervision is in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization.

– We list these countries because most of our citizens are there. In many countries, the epidemiological situation is worse than in our country – added Kisić Tepavčević.

A member of the crisis staff said that we can be an example for other countries of how to deal with the corona virus.

– For all children who go to collectives, we have already made a recommendation to go home in self-isolation after returning from abroad. This is recognized as the first measure that we have introduced to protect our citizens, he points out and adds that various epidemiological situations are being considered both in our country and in other countries.

Speaking about the supervision that will be introduced from Friday, Kisić Tepavčević said:

– This implies a certain dynamic of reporting to certain services to control new imported cases.
