
Photo: Instagram Printscreen, Shutterstock
Autophagy is recycling at the cellular level: during this process, damaged cellular elements go through a recycling process, and therefore the cell receives “new” material. “Composed” of Greek words that in free translation mean “to eat oneself”. As the name implies, it is a process during which our cells eliminate waste and recycle the damaged ones literally by “eating” them.
In 2016, the Japanese scientist Yoshinori Osumi received the Nobel Prize for his contribution to the study and the dissemination of how this process works.
Its main driver is fasting and it is necessary to go a time without food, more precisely between 12 and 16 hours. Although it may seem difficult to bear, it doesn’t really have to be that way. That is, if you eat for the last time at six in the afternoon and “push” for a few hours to sleep without food, but with water, tea or lemonade, until the morning when breakfast time arrives, the autophagy process has already started in the body.
Autophagy generally advises two or three meals a day. According to Mom and Grandma’s story, breakfast is the most important thing and soon when you get up you should have a good breakfast. Lunch follows 5 hours later, and in the middle you can eat a small snack, if you are hungry. Dinner, if necessary, must be eaten no later than seven in the afternoon.
Tennis player Novak Djokovic, for example, does not eat after 4 p.m. During that period, as he discovered in a conversation with Professor Dr. Dragan Ivanov, he only drank water.
“I would refer to the topic of autophagy. How important is it, this type of fast 16 – 8 is popular, 16 hours are not eaten, 8 hours are eaten, I apply that, I have felt in the last year and a half how much I practice many improvements in the system for digestion. I sleep better, I have more energy during the day, I have fewer falls, “said Novak, who has been on this diet for a year and a half and is certainly achieving championship results.
The bottom line is that for 24 hours, half the time you don’t eat, but don’t go hungry.
“It matters what kind of food we eat, how much we eat and when we eat. Like when we eat and when we don’t eat. We eat carbohydrates for breakfast. There are stories that fruit shouldn’t be eaten in the morning, that’s a mistake. As soon as the sun rises, insulin is released, he craves carbohydrates. Breakfast must be the greatest in quantity. For lunch we must eat protein. At two in the afternoon we eat, the proteins we eat for lunch have to wait to the “carrier” in muscle cells. That “gatekeeper” is a growth hormone, which is secreted in the evening. It will carry those amino acids to the muscles and other organs at night, “Ivanov said, stressing the importance of fruits, nuts, whole grains and other types of quality food.
After 12 to 16 hours of starvation, autophagy has been shown to activate in our body, a process that has a healing effect on our entire body, on our emotions, our soul and body, and also has a preventive effect, he explained. The teacher.
“If we don’t eat anything for 12 hours, our brain searches where it can find a reserve. Then it finds a microorganism, a pathogenic bacterium and destroys and recycles it, then it finds a mutated cell and generates extra energy from the decomposed materials, so we have extra fuel. ” because we had cells and structures that were dysfunctional for us and that cell is needed to create new healthy young cells. If we have lunch at two or three in the afternoon, at two or three in the afternoon autophagy is activated and will cleanse our body of microorganisms, atherosclerotic deposits on the walls of blood vessels, of malignant cells. It will cleanse our body and prepare fuel for the next day, but it should take 12 to 16 hours. If our body is trained, it will take less time, we will need 16 hours initially, then it will be reduced to 12. It is important to know when autophagy should be activated. Must be activated at night. When growth hormone and hormone melatonin are secreted. It is not good if we eat at night, and we expect autophagy to be activated during the day. It can, but the question is how effective it will be, “he said.
Autophagy benefits:
– helps fight diabetes and heart disease
– rejuvenates the body
– protects the body from malignant diseases
– protects the nervous system
– fights viruses and bacteria
Those who find it difficult to tolerate this diet are advised not to force themselves. However, according to experts, it is not for everyone, and the most important thing in life is balance, as well as enjoying everyday life.

Kurir.rs, MG / Photo: Silkscreen for Instagram, Shutterstock

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