ALKATRAZA REPORTED BY A GIRL WHO SAYS HARASSING HER: This is how another leader of the Partizan fans ‘fell’!


The Belgrade police arrested Damjan Sobic, the leader of Alcatraz, one of the Partizan fan groups, and during the search of the apartment where he was found, a pistol with 13 bullets was found, while armored vehicles were found in the garage with flashing lights.

As Kurir unofficially finds out, Šobić was reported to the police by a girl, who allegedly claimed he was harassing her.

Photo: Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia

It is suspected that the Alcatraz leader had an argument with the girl on Thursday night and that he assaulted her, for which he called the police. He said he was scared because Sobic also had a gun in the apartment – says an investigation source.

Strong police forces stormed the apartment, which is suspected to be one of the alleged fan’s apartment piles.

The policemen with the ghosts broke down the door because Sobic did not want to open it and, after handcuffing him, they searched the entire area in detail – adds the source.

Photo: TV News

A gun with bullets was found in a hidden location in the apartment, as well as several T-shirts with the inscription “Alcatraz”, torches, bulletproof vests and other accessories from fans, says the source, adding that six cars were found in the garage. of the building in Palilula used by an arrested fan leader.

Photo: Beta / Branislav Božić, Social media

All of his vehicles were impounded. In a “Skoda” there were police blinders, and “Audi” and BMW were armored vehicles. Yesterday, the inspectors, dressed in space suits, searched all the cars in detail, and then the “Parking Service” vehicle arrived, so the cars were taken to the police – explains the interlocutor.

Photo: Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia

In the war with the Principles, Belivuk called him a snitch!

The Alcatraz fan group is allegedly in conflict with the Principi fan group, led by Veljko Belivuk, also known as Velja Nevolja, recently arrested. – The Velje Nevolje group expelled all other fan factions from the south stand, including Alcatraz, which they clashed with several times. It is also said that Belivuk openly called Damjan Šobić on the rostrum, calling him a snitch – says the source and adds that after the arrest of Belivuk and his team, rumors immediately began to circulate in fan circles about who could take the lead in the south stand. – Some saw Damjan Sobic as one of the candidates for that – says the source.

The suspect was detained for up to 48 hours and is suspected of illegal possession and carrying of weapons. By the way, Damjan Sobic is known to the police and has been arrested several times. He was sentenced to a year and a half in prison in 2017 for illegally carrying a weapon after police found a “Glock” pistol with 12 bullets near him.

Photo: TV News

He had been under police scrutiny before that. He took part in the 2008 OFK Belgrade riots, which led to an investigation, and allegedly fled the country. Three years later, a warrant was issued against him and he was arrested in Kosovo in 2012. He was reportedly arrested after a conflict with plainclothes members of the Kosovo police at a cafe. When they arrived at his apartment, he pulled out a gun, which is why he was arrested, recalls the source.
